Mike Mentzers Perfect Consolidated Workout Day 1. As you age, your body undergoes changes With Valentines Day just around the corner, everyone is looking for gift ideas and ways to spend time with their special Hormones are chemical substances released by glands in the body to regulate various functions. Utilize pre-exhaust supersets. I spent several years doing just big, basic compound lifts with no direct isolation work for the arms and calves, etc. For example, flyes (which isolate the pecs) are done immediately before incline presses (which work the pecs with the shoulders and triceps), so that the exhausted pecs work to their fullest and give out first during the presses. Dorian Yates uses this program and he was Mr. Olympia. All exercises are to be trained for one set only and to failure. A proper training protocol should have been about 3 different exercise of one set each in a high intensity method of taking each set to failure once every 7 days. Dumbbell side lateral raise (5 sets, 8-10 reps) 2. Beyond that, you should be resting at least 3 minutes between sets. You're going to have to try something different like Heavy Duty to get different results. His popularity waned after the infamous Mr. Olympia contest in 1980, when he lost the title to Arnold Schwarzenegger and had the crowds shout Fix! at him. For information contact Joanne Sharkey at (310) 316-4519, visit www.mikementzer .com, or order the books directly from Home-Gym.com . Copyright 2013-2022 Jacked Gorilla All Rights Reserved | Owned & Operated by Wealthy Gorilla Limited | Our Brands: Jacked Gorilla | Gaming Gorilla | Wealthy Gorilla. Mike Mentzer used the following supplements to help fuel his gains: Whilst we dont know the exact brand of supplements Mike Mentzer uses, we have some recommendations based on what he takes. While some truly believe he was a genius, others think he was completely crazy. 1. Straight arm pulldown (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 2. Once you get adjusted with the weight you're lifting, try to increase it within this rep range. Workout frequency fell, workout intensity rose. Soon thereafter, Mike Mentzer began consulting with HITs creator and revamping his training. When 19-year-old Casey Viator won the 1971 Mr. America after training HIT-style under Arthur Jones tutelage it caused a sensation in the bodybuilding world. training, Body Contract-Duchaine's, Arnolds, Weider, POF, Periodization, non Periodization, couldn't tell the difference between me and someone who did not lift weights. Odds are, most of us dont fall into this category. Then, prior to his Mr. Olympia appearances in 1979 and 80where he tipped the scales at a rock-solid 215 poundshe spread out his routine even further, training only once every two to four days. Dam, it took 16 weeks for you to figure that one out. The last workout I performed was a light full body workout on July 21, 2008. It's insane to keep doing the same thing and expect to get different results. successful and very intelligent people have been duped to workout multiple days It seemed every bodybuilder tried his lower-rep HIT, though most eventually returned to a more moderate system. Derek: I get your point. Read the rest of my comments below! The main legs workout is repeated. Derek: How about your friends, what has been their reaction? And when you actually train with high-intensity, you dont need a lot of volume, Arthur Jones said. Its fine to speculate and have an opinion on whether you THINK something would be true or not, but keep in mind this particular poster specifically asked if anyone had made mass gains while using a Mike Mentzer consolidation routine. I'm currently performing one set of dips and one set of dead lifts and then 1 set of chins and one set of squats 14 days later. The techniques Heavy Duty prescribed foremost were forced reps, negative reps, rest-pause, and pre-exhaust, especially pre-exhaust supersets. Considering the lack of science-based knowledge, supplements and the variety of elaborate training techniques we have today, that win was a huge accomplishment that launched Mike's future career. In his book, High-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way, Mike states that he performs barbell rows parallel to the floor pulling to the sternum. Just by using a very simple, concise and Why would I train more and deplete my recovery resources even more?? were in before you switched over to Heavy Duty. Close-grip pulldowns 2 x 6-8 I thought oh no, I'll probably atrophy even the small amount of muscle I have. If you choose to, you could follow the barbell curls with chin-ups (underhand). I will do three progressive warm-up sets before each working set, which must be taken to failure. Mike trained about 500 clients using this method and the gains were not just good but dramatic with clients gaining 20 to 30 pounds in a 3 month period. Now, its time to refuel your body with the proper nutrients to help repair and grow Tracking macros is becoming popular among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts because of its effectiveness. It is physical and biologically impossible! Derek: What kind of advice would you give to others that are in the position you Capping off the year by winning the heavyweight division of the Mr. Olympia (Frank Zane won the overall), he emerged as bodybuildings heir apparent. Once again just like Mentzer stated you are falling into the trap that many body builders are confused in that the more is better like more money is better, more women are better, taking more s******s is better! I was training on that kind of routine; that is, the full-body, three-days-a-week routine performed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, when I was at college, he related. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am a personal trainer and fitness fanatic. Superset But Heavy Duty endured. the top bodybuilders said to do--ultra marathon routines. Your email address will not be published. For instance, rather than train Monday and Tuesday on a split routine, working half the body on Monday and the other half on TuesdayI would do the first half of the body on Monday, skip Tuesday to recuperate and then train on Wednesday, rest on Thursday and repeat the cycle again, starting on Friday. Ali: I had heard about it in passing I had read some books referring to Arthur Jones The Mike Mentzer Story. effort, money, gym membership, supplements and buying every program with nothing in return? You have to recover before you can grow, Mike continued, So, we figured, why work out again? Considering the lack of science-based knowledge, supplements and the variety of elaborate training techniques we have today, that win was a huge accomplishment that launched Mikes future career. While it may be easy to overlook, Congratulations on finishing your workout! Derek: Tell us about your results. Flat barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps), 5. I had originally thought of doing bench presses instead of dips, but I will follow the program to the letter as outlined in Mentzers Underground Seminar video. But you cant take that principle and blindly apply it to exercise and expect to get anything out of it.. Extend sets beyond failure with forced reps, negatives, and rest-pause. Even today Mike is considered to have had one of the greatest builds of all time and validated once and for all HIT. come close to the results I have achieved. Note: For more information on on the best form of High Intensity Training see The Colorado Experiment Workout. Mentzer did of course fill his bodybuilding routine in his early days with high volume training, incorporating as much as 40 sets per bodypart. The partner removed just enough stress for two or three forced reps. Mike Mentzer said of his workout routine, "The routine I followed was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per body part and broken into two workouts - The first workout would be legs, chest, and triceps; the second workout was back, shoulders and biceps. In 1979, Mentzer prescribed only 3-6 working sets per body part (supersets count as two sets), with typically one or two lighter warmup sets per exercise. The greatest representative of the old guard, Arnold Schwarzenegger, won. And while keeping up that kind of training in addition to a full college schedule, a part-time job with a physician and the demands of an ongoing relationship with a nice young lady, I found that I just didnt have the energy. Each workout is followed by 4-7 days . Then they hit arms, LOL. Toe presses 1 x 6-8, Chest I saw this question on the web recently followed by some interesting answers in the comments section. Nautilus laterals 2 x 6-8 If, for some reason, I cant perform the workout on the seventh day, I will do it the next possible day. Barbell upright row (5 sets, 6-8 reps). Mentzer released two popular Heavy Duty booklets in 1980, and, through his articles, seminars, and mail-order business, his philosophy was as great a sensation as he was on stages. If you are not pushing yourself, then No, you will not gain. He purportedly was able to put 50 pounds on one of his trainees in just a few months using a workout that lasted only 2-4 minutes, with a long recovery time between workouts (4 to 7 days recovery. ANALYSIS: After legs, this is a push workout, working triceps after chest (two pushing body parts). On this shoulder routine, he would hit 5 different exercises by doing an average of 5 sets and 10 reps. 1. Jones used to say that you dont rest each bodypart on different days, so why would you train them on different days? You can train long or hard but you cant do both. All I know is my waist size has gone down 1. Muscles will not shrink unless their is a loss of strength so your statement that the trainees in the 65 to 70 age group lost strength but not mass again makes no sense. years with nothing to show for results, before he was willing to trust his mind I just It went beyond. like anything if you are not going to see some progress you'll do whatever it takes, Incline barbell bench press (5 sets, 6-8 reps). Here are the workouts, each to be performed every other week: Workout 1 Mike Mentzer understood that he had to stick to a clean diet and he took a fairly broad approach to his nutrition in terms of different food sources. With all the other demands I had in my life at that time, I was really forced to do something about it. Mike Mentzer's Consolidated Routine. Your email address will not be published. Parallel Bar Dip 6-10 reps. New Cognizant jobs added daily. The researchers concluded that once a week training with an adequate exercise volume can successfully stimulate muscle growth in younger adults, but older gym goers who want to maintain their muscle mass should stick to longer and more frequent training sessions. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, I thought I was your typical Close grip supinated cable pulldown (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 4. In that kind of a case the best thing that can happen would be that you merely wouldnt make any progress; youd just spin your wheels. We have another pre-exhaust superset: shrugs (which work only traps) before upright rows (which work traps with medial delts and biceps). It was just too much all at once. I can gain mass doing nothing at all if I just eat more calories than I burn. We had to recover first. Your email address will not be published. development I had but even then I was thinking; I'm going to lose everything that I worked so hard Therefore, when answering a question like this, you should have some experience actually doing the program in question. Most of my injuries were likely a result of nearly a decade of overtraining (too much frequency, volume, and too much intensity in 1-5 rep range), so dropping to just 1 session every 4-5 days and performing 1 working set per exercise worked very well, at least short term, in my case. Youtube is a great place to start and also check out John Littles youtube channel. The minimalist workouts also provide benefits in that more focus, concentration and energy can be put into the exercises since the body won't deeply use them up in just a couple of sets. At the age of 18 he started competing in physique competitions, and two years later in . That right there is over training. During the next two decades, Mike Mentzer created a lot of fuss with the unconventional training philosophy he wrote about in his Heavy Duty articles and which emphasized brief, intensive and infrequent workouts. The new Mr. America introduced the other teenager to Arthur Jones. Leg presses 1 x 6-8 I plan to carry this out for a minimum of six months or until lack of progress or something unforeseen, such as an injury or illness, takes place. No, he said, it was the immediate response, the immediate fatigue. that's the mentality. But carried on for too long, that kind of effort actually causes you to lose muscular mass and strengthyoull always be making inroads into your recovery ability and never allowing yourself to recover, let alone grow, which is secondary. But they look well over 20 inches! I exclaimed. Mike and I talked about a great many subjects during that trip, but first and foremost on my mind was finding out what Mike Mentzers most productive training routine had been. A muscle does not need to be trained more than once in a 7 day period. Short term progress will be evaluated primarily by strength increases. Mike thought for a moment and raised his ham of an arm to scratch an itch on his opposite shoulder. On this chest routine, Mike Mentzer performed 5 different exercises with an average of 5 sets. 1 set with a heavy weight followed immediately by incline press. Universal machine shrugs 2 x 6-8 Mike Mentzer said how if scientists could send a man to the moon and bring him back safely each time, then we should be able to succeed with every one of our missions to the gym here on earth. The body needs time to recover as a whole, not just the specific bodypart that was trained. The biceps receive no direct training in this workout, and the triceps have only one set of dips to hold them for the next week or so. He wrote articles for the leading bodybuilding magazine, Muscle Builder/Power, focused on techniques for intensifying workouts. The secret, if there is one, is high intensity. Wed train on a Monday, then skip Tuesday, skip Wednesday and train Thursday. Back. Today’s top 1 Cognizant jobs in Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes, France. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Keep in mind, the goal was mass gains, so I ate at about a 500 calorie surplus daily. For the year between the 1979 and 1980 Mr. Olympias, as high-intensity training (HIT) rode the crest of its foremost adherent, Mike Mentzer, it seemed on the verge of transforming bodybuilding. Bent over dumbbell raise (5 sets, 8-10 reps), 4. Superset All my other friends [are] as impressed we'll with strength increases so will muscle size. the results I and others have achieved and I have no doubt that it works. Mike Mentzers workout philosophy was adopted by Dorian Yates, who won six Mr. Olympia titles in the 1990s. The study was suppose to be training one day a week not 3. ALLWhat about your second workout of the week? I inquired. If they find its too exhausting, try the four-day. Finally, I asked Mike to summarize his experience for the benefit of all those bodybuilders looking to build mass. So, heres my general response to the posters question regarding mass gaining potential with consolidation training. Mike Mentzer Consolidation Routine: Workout A Sam Ernill 1.83K subscribers Subscribe 9.4K views 3 years ago Seminar video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8CXe. Your conclusion for the older group of 60 to 75 year old trainees makes no sense at all. At that time, most top-level bodybuilders had long training sessions that included more than 20 sets per body part, 5-6 days a week, and Mike thought they were doing it completely wrong. Calf raises 2 x 6-8 Good luck. believe it or not overtraining. In my opinion you can even make better results on Heavy Duty than you can using steroids, Mike could as he had years of training behind him, and he could also train others this way. Of course, I realize hes inquiring about muscle mass, not simply weight gain. For the record, you can read about my entire experience on the aforementioned program here: https://wildyakathletics.com/2020/12/27/review-of-my-last-8-weeks-of-training-october-22-december-22-2020/. Weight: 200.8 pounds Whereas Arthur Jones prescribed one 20-rep set per exercise, Mentzer lowered the ideal rep-range to 6-8. On this leg routine, he performed 6 different exercises. type of anabolic in existence using outrageous quantities and this I've learned greatly ), there's a routine called The Consolidation Routine, which consists of the following: Workout A One set Squats One set Close-grip, Palms-Up Pulldowns rest 5-7 days Workout B One set Regular Deadlifts One set Dips rest 5-7 days Required fields are marked *. Heavy Duty, how would you like to get these amazing results at 10 minutes a workout? The volume in the consolidated workout is extremely low. He won the 76 Mr. America contest at a bodyweight of 205 pounds while training on such a program, but he didnt stay with it, switching eventually to a split routine performed four days per week. Do 1-3 warmup sets before working sets. Getting back to your question yeah, I heard about it Thats why he advocated only one day per week. Comments. I've used Mike Mentzer's routines with some success in the past (see my previous blog posts about my experience with Mentzer's Perfect Consolidated Routine) and have decided to perform the Ideal Routine again. Well, Mike replied, it was back in 1979. I found that when I split the routine, doing half the body one day, the fatigue was even less than halfit was much less than half. After that I would do one set of squats to positive failure, usually in the neighborhood of 400 to 500 pounds, and then proceed on to leg curls for two sets. I knew that hed been all over the board in terms of sets and reps throughout his early career, starting out with a whole-body workout performed three days per week, on which he gained no less than 70 pounds over three years, bringing his bodyweight up from 95 pounds at age 12 to 165 pounds at 15. However, some new scientific studies proved that there is some truth in Mike Mentzers once a week training claims. Some people may have better luck with just a few exercises all the time and never need direct work for smaller muscle groups that usually are only able to be stimulated with isolation exercises. Machine Shoulder Press 2 sets x 68 reps, Dumbbell or Machine Rear Lateral 2 sets x 6-8 reps. I don't know what my exact body fat percentage was when I started with Mike's training. I asked him if perhaps exhaustionsuch as that experienced on the whole-body routinewas, then, truly a requisite for growth stimulation, bearing in mind Jones adage that unless you were made nauseous from a set of barbell curls, you didnt know what hard training was. No mention of intensity in the study. Legs are given a. little more reps than the upper body. Finally, there is the research (National Strength & Conditioning Association) which shows that multiple sets are better for producing muscle gains than are single sets, which were found to be good for maintaining but not as hot for gaining. This is a Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty routine, circa 1979. If trainees in this group with less volume and loss muscle mass than how in the hell is increasing the volume of training going to increase muscle mass. Also note that he does squats after the leg extension and leg press superset. Yes Robert you are right on the money. Heavy Duty continues to impact weight-training over four decades later. I think you can effectively gain mass with a consolidated routine if youve been doing higher frequency and/or higher volume training for awhile. However, he is no longer available, and most people have to make do on their own. Id follow that up with one or two sets of dips. Garlic But I was severely mistaken, all this time I really was, Creatine Met-rx meal replacement drink He himself typically trained three times a week and his 30-minute workouts incorporated no more than 5 sets per body part. While genetic characteristics were important, Mike believed that they had been overemphasized. It flies against all quote un-quote That was the most result-producing routine that I ever used. I asked Mike why he thought that such a split routine was more productive than the three-days-per-week whole-body program that had carried him through to victory in the Mr. America contest. I know Mentzer said the whole protein supplement thing is a racket and that its unnecessary to consume so much protein, but I will be consuming a 20 gram whey protein drink pre-workout and a meal replacement drink post-workout, anyway. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. utilized short high intensity training. Assist each other in going beyond failure. Please, In fact, apart from Arnold Schwarzenegger, Id argue that hes probably made the largest impact on the bodybuilding community to date, followed by several other successors and his predecessor Arthur Jones.
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