4.1K views 2 years ago Comparison of the Blade Staff (with golden shower), Sanguine Staff, and the Desert Tiger Staff. Also, the A.I. Hitbox size while using the pouncing attack increased. I was waiting on some more test before I suggested any tier changes. Only really worth it if you want to do Empress without resorting to post-cultist gears + you need that higher DPS that badly compared to stuff like Blade Staff. Did you do the summoner ones with "Max minions", 11, I believe using. Xeno Staff has a similar problem in general despite being an aerial summon, and combined with the fact it's obnoxious to obtain and get replaced very quickly, I will most likely rank that one A- or B+. Similarly to the Vampire Frog Staff, however, this minion has the disadvantage of only being attainable during a random event, which the player may not even get. My final rank is C+: Almost never works but surprisingly strong when it does. 5 4 Related Topics Terraria Open world Sandbox game Action-adventure game Gaming 4 comments Add a Comment RachelNat1 2 yr. ago These are certainly very niche, but it's definitely better than "If for some reason you grinded for this instead of Xeno, Raven or Desert Tiger you can get slightly more DPS against the Empress of Light if you replace 3 Sanguines" and whatever Pygmy is good for. But I am surprised there isn't a test for the Eventide with the Endless Quiver - the Wooden Arrow to Twilight Lance conversion gives them piercing damage for 4 targets, so all the lances can completely penetrate Golem's body and hands in the 1st phase rather than the double damage one, and is something I abused when I was doing Bows only+Wingless. Ravens do much better because they have a higher base damage and can hit much more often, but I have noticed that occasionally they stop chasing enemies to follow the player and end up flying around doing nothing. Raven Staff Desert Tiger Staff Tempest Staff Deadly Sphere Staff Xeno Staff Stardust Cell Staff Stardust Dragon Staff Terraprisma Sentries Houndius Shootius Queen Spider Staff Staff of the Frost Hydra Rainbow Crystal Staff Lunar Portal Staff Tavernkeep 's Sentries Tier 1 Lightning Aura Rod Flameburst Rod Explosive Trap Rod Ballista Rod Tier 2 Must be all that whip damage. 10 Most Underrated Indie Games In 2021 (So Far), Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Ending Explained (In Detail), Star Wars Jedi: Survivor: 5 Useful Gameplay Settings To Change Immediately, Horizon Forbidden West: How To Find All Delver Trinkets (Burning Shores DLC). Never used it before since its a new item for mobile.(sorta). Can no longer deal magic critical hits while pouncing, only regular critical hits. For more information, please see our This tier list assumes mainly "Pure Summoner" gameplay with whips, but Hybrid builds are also taken into account whether to criticize options for being outshined by hybrid/multiclass setups or to give bonus points to other options for being beneficial for hybridizing/multiclassing. Unlike Vampire Frogs that easily get stuck behind walls, the Flinx minions are able to keep up with players. These minions are quick and agile, which means they cause plenty of damage over time. I'm currently playing through the game with a friend who is a. The Desert Tiger Staff is special in that if used more than once, multiple tigers do not spawn instead, the spawned tiger becomes stronger (+16/+17 damage; 40% of the base damage [2]) and faster for each additional summon. Unlike the other pre-hardmode minions which are somewhat difficult to obtain, players need only six Flinx furs and 10 Gold or Platinum Bars to craft a Flinx Staff at a Work Bench. Even towards the end of a playthrough, Sanguine Bats can still hold their own and are great companions to the player. Miss the old Hydra Skin? Visit. The tiger can only pounce at enemies that are within a 10050-tile rectangle centered on the player. everyone's sleeping on the knives you get from the enchanted sword drops in the underground hallow. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). In the early game distruption is very important as your movement is much more limited and this minion does distruption pretty well, and with STN and whips it can do some pretty good dps to bosses. Its been reported a couple times, seems like a pretty significant bug to not have been fixed by now, but what do I know about game development. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Terraria Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If the player has been going full Summoner up to this point and has either the Vampire Frog Staff or the Flinx Staff, then this extra work is unnecessary because the player is about to enter hardmode, which means the player will need new weapons anyway. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It summons a Desert Tiger that deals contact damage to enemies. The only lasting advantage a Mythical Raven Staff has over a Ruthless one is knockback. RELATED: 10 Most Underrated Indie Games In 2021 (So Far). For whips specifically, it depends on how much of an impact they make to Summoner builds through mainly summon tag & whip speed effects. Tiki provides 5 minions, each with 130% damage. While the player will need to fish for it and the Dreadnautilus is sort of rare, the Sanguine Staff has a high drop rate and the player will likely be prepared to look for it during the Blood Moons in hardmode. Whips were also introduced, they give Summoners a method of attacking directly that don't involve using weapons from other classes. Tiger staff is AMAZING for casual world exploration, unfortunately without footing it can't really do much, and since most bosses post-plantera are flying. This is what I have in mind for a "Safe" Vampire Frog Wof strat that doesn't involve whips. Like other minions, the summoned Ravens is invincible and follows the player for an unlimited amount of time, unless the player dies, summons a replacement minion, cancels the buff, or leaves the world. There were barely any Summoner Minions to use, which made it pretty much impossible to be purely a Summoner and still make it through the whole game. It is dropped from Pumpking during the Pumpkin Moon event with a chance of 1.79% 14.29%, depending on the wave. The tiger's contact damage is high enough that it kills any, It is better suited for singular targets rather than crowds. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This staff summons a Stardust Cell that will teleport to enemies and fire a mini version of itself at them, which will then stick to the enemy and deal damage over time. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. debuff, the Imp is a great damage dealer before the Wall of Flesh. It summons a Sanguine Bat minion that remains by the player's side until an enemy is in sight, and attacks by flying in an elliptical loop between the player and enemy. JavaScript is disabled. It's such a cool summon, but it's really, really not good. These minions, however, don't always work the best against bosses since they tend to behave weirdly on platforms. Try out our Hydralize gadget! Which one does the best in terms of accuracy and damage per second? Unlike other Summoner minions that are summoned as multiple creatures, this staff only summons one Desert Tiger, and each additional summon makes the Desert Tiger stronger and faster. I hope you enjoy it, and please like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video and want to see videos like these. . I noticed that you were very close to the empress,and when I mean close,I mean. Spiders deal much more damage than any of the pre-hardmode minions, and they can climb on walls. However, I would not present it as a "blade staff wannabe" either, it had it's own good. Miss the old Hydra Skin? The Enchanted Dagger, however, is even faster and can stunlock enemies easily. Because of this, it synergies with the Firecracker extremely well. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). I am a small channel and it is really difficult to grow and earn subscribers, so any support is greatly appreciated.Previous video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elBYfQQaqzkPart two - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALLhbTO0430Part three - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gF0d3VSt24\u0026t=7s*UPDATE*As of the Terraria 1.4.1 update, the Sanguine Staff and the Desert Tiger Staff have received changes. Players will need to use a survival skill, fishing, to get this staff during a Blood Moon and kill either a Zombie Merman or a Wandering Eye Fish. As such, for events or farming, the player may wish to use a different summon weapon instead of, or alongside the Desert Tiger, such as the. I'm currently playing through the game with a friend who is a summoner, and we couldn't decide which of these staffs was best. And Duke+ Empress drop refered as post golem tier . By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. I was surprised at how well the tempest staff did considering its former reputation. You are using an out of date browser. Similar to the Sanguine Bat, the Enchanted Dagger minion from the Blade Staff is incredibly fast and has one of the best A.I.s in the game. You must log in or register to reply here. But, the Imp's attacks are also much slower compared to other minions. While the minion is worth the struggle, the player may not even get a Blood Moon during pre-hardmode. It summons a Desert Tiger that deals contact damage to enemies. As such, for events or farming, the player may wish to use a different summon weapon instead of, or alongside the Desert Tiger, such as the, The Desert Tiger bears resemblance to real-life, Now "bounces on" its current target if that target is in the air, staying more firmly latched on and dealing damage. The Mythical modifier provides the widest array of stat bonuses, but these primarily affect the initial summon rather than the resulting minion. But, if the player likes to attack bosses at close range, then this minion is perfect. First of all on a high dps broom setup tiger is NOT better than raven, On my most recent test with morning star + darvest + raven vs Firecracker + morning star + Darvest + Tiger, I got 33 seconds vs 37 seconds. However, it has the power to justify its rarity. JavaScript is disabled. The Desert Tiger bears resemblance to real-life, Now "bounces on" its current target if that target is in the air, staying more firmly latched on and dealing damage. For such an iconic item like a biome chest item. Because of her passion for video games, her main focus is writing video game listicles for the website. Golem is interesting because he doesn't move around much, meaning things don't usually have problems hitting him, and in his first phase he is composed of three parts, giving weapons with AoE or piercing an advantage. The Stardust Dragon Staff is special in . This shouldn't be true, the Bat's attack should always last 66 frames regardless of distance. All rights reserved. Technicaly using Terraprisma or sth like that is like using Duke's drops on pre mech. Increased scaling damage per "minion slot" expended slightly (from 33% of base damage to 40% of base damage). Its . Its buff tooltip is similar to the buff tooltip for the Stardust Guardian, being "The stardust guardian will protect you" and "The stardust dragon will protect you" respectively. Additionally, minions cannot deal critical hits. Is it worth it to get the Desert Tiger Staff, I happened upon the desert key while playing and i just got the Desert Tiger Staff im using it as a summoner with 6 summons but the sanguine staff just seems better. After defeating Plantera, there is a chance that the player will encounter a Pumpkin Moon. What I'll say is that I will not be ranking Desert Tiger higher than S-, and not just because of its availability. While this makes it easier for players to either incorporate elements from the class or fully be a Summoner throughout a playthrough, it can be hard to know which minions are the best. Vampire Frog minions are arguably the best pre-hardmode minions in Terraria because they deal plenty of quick damage to enemies. Additionally, minions cannot deal critical hits. This is because, unlike most other summon weapons, additional summons only strengthens the initial summon, rather than summon additional minions. the smash hit action-adventure sandbox game, 10 Video Game Weapons You're Guaranteed To Blow Yourself Up With. Other minions may be used in addition to the Desert Tiger. The only lasting advantage a Mythical Desert Tiger Staff has over a Ruthless one is knockback. Spooky provides 4, each with 158% damage. But judging from wiki page abt it, it doesn't seem to good as a summon weapons. In the Desert Chest, the player will get a Desert Tiger Staff. A one minute is actually somewhat average/mediocre at least compared to other things i tested. Desert Tiger Staff Deadly Sphere Staff Xeno Staff Tempest Staff Raven Staff Then you can skip the Stardust Staffs and go for the Terraprisma, be warned though, you will die A LOT #2 theworld Dec 29, 2020 @ 7:43am Originally posted by Smetrix: Perhaps the Sanguine Blood staff if you're up for a challenge What is the challenge tho? What do you mean? Desert Tiger Staff: A Rare to see in a playthrough unless you got lucky or went out of your way to grind for it. As far as i remember SnapTap with Obsidian armor can kill it. The one problem is that players will have to enter the Ice Biome to get the Flinx Fur, which can be a dangerous biome early in a playthrough. Before working at Screen Rant, she worked as the Senior Arts Editor for "The Spectrum" newspaper at the University at Buffalo. I would recommend double-checking how well this staff performs, as it most likely will be a lot better than how it is in this video. But, the fact that it is only one minion and it cannot fly makes it a less viable option compared to other post-Plantera minions. It leaves a trail of sparkles that provide periodic bursts of light as it moves. No, definitely Xenoes. It spawns a Raven minion that chases enemies and deals contact damage. It's weak. Desert Tiger Staff is one of the best summon weapons in Terraria Journey's End and I defeated all bosses including Dungeon Guardian with 1 Desert Tig. Another neat thing with the Sanguine Staff is that while at very close-range (or simply when an enemy is on top of you), the bats will attack multiple times faster. Weapons with a lot of longevity & contribution throughout the game are given a lot of bonus points, especially in Hardmode. Summoner was by far the weakest class in the game, in fact it was blatantly unfinished. The cooldown of the pounce attack is reduced to five seconds for a tiger of tier 2, and to four seconds for a tiger of tier 3. It also doesnt look like abusing Sharpened is worth it at all. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. The Eyes have 6 defense so not only is Sharpened at half efficiency here, you could replace it with a Shark Tooth Necklace, get almost the same DPS bonus (only worse because the Mouth has 18 defense) and the full DPS of a main weapon. That happened a lot more often with the tempest staff though. Summoner in 1.3 was such a bad joke. But more importantly Whips strengthen minions significantly, with some minions being extremely reliant on Whips deal most of their DPS. The tiger can only pounce at enemies that are within a 10050-tile rectangle centered on the player. That all changed with 1.4, by not only introducing many new minions that are significantly stronger & smarter, but also buffing a ton of older minions into being actually useful.
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