Police will not be filing any criminal charges against the students who made disturbing racist threats in a leaked group chat, according to Haywood County Schools' superintendent. Accelerate academic achievement of all students (literacy focus). We will commit to knowing every student by name, strength, and need so that they graduate for the future . In other business, board members granted permission for the Haywood Crusader Football Ministry to use the football field for four athletic games in the fall. 1 North Washington, Brownsville, TN 38012, TEL: 731-772-1432 Superintendent - Haywood County Schools Share Shelby County School Executive Aimee Marsh will likely be the next Haywood County Superintendent of Schools. Increase STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) opportunities and outcomes in all grades. The administrator repeated it back to the student, according to most of the witness statements. EMAIL: [emailprotected]. About Haywood County - Haywood County, Tennessee Conduct a financial and operational, The incident that took the life of Christine Michael Friday night will forever change the lives of a great many people. When Anderson Early, School Board Meeting - December 12 - 3:00 PM, Six years ago, an article was published in The Atlantic that compared teaching to performance art. These are the kinds of choices that could make the difference between students realizing their dreams or leaving them unfulfilled. Statement from Superintendent of Haywood County Schools Lasherica Thornton is The Jackson Sun's education reporter. Students at Haywood High School earn hundreds of thousands of scholarship dollars each year. The School Board, [] To access this post please login to your account. On, Haywood County Schools is pleased to announce the Class of 2023 Commencement, Saturday, April 1st 8:00-12:00 During lunch, the administrator addressed the student for getting up without permission. 4. Give all students opportunities to engage in experiential learning that is focused on career exploration and aligned with the academic curriculum. Job Alerts Enter your email and be notified when new jobs are posted. All Rights Reserved. The principal and assistant principal of Haywood High School in Brownsville, Tennessee have been suspended without pay as officials investigate group chats where students wrote racial slurs and disturbing threats against one or more black people including the phrase "stringing a nigger up.". Phone: (731) 772-9613, Internet Policies 1. After getting through the lunch line of locals, make sure to sign the guest book. Before the board meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, community members were invited to a meet and greet the finalists, who also answered questions. Board members approved this contract before the superintendent position was filled. On May 18, the board had a called meeting to review the survey results and prepare for candidate interviews. Haywood County is known to raise some of the worlds best folks; these are just a few. How can so many students be graduating from high school unprepared to meet their goals for college and careers? 2. We are known for producing the most cotton in the state and are 5th in the state for grain and bean production. Every student in Haywood County Schools deserves to be known by name, strength and need, and above all, deserves to be treated with respect.. The Haywood County school board named a new superintendent Monday night, forgoing a search and concluding Haywood County Schools already has the best of the best right here at home. From its pilot pre-school program through high school, educators in Brownsville, Haywood County offer students a well-rounded educational experience. Community Links Our National Wildlife Refuge preserves and protects 11,556 acres of forested floodplain. In preparation for the return of students to our buildings on Monday, the Haywood County School's leadership team spent the afternoon with local law enforcement agencies outlining safety procedures and an extensive plan of support which addresses both the safety of our students, faculty and staff, as well as a plan of support for the . Increase the number of students participating in extra-curricular opportunities. Mr. Hassell was one of four final candidates, including Yvette Blue, Dr. Jerry Pyron, and Dr. Ray Hill, who were interviewed Monday and Tuesday nights. March was a busy time for the Sunny Hill and Haywood High School Bands. Support effective and timely communication. This directory provides the name of each district's superintendent and a link to the district's website. School Board Policy The School Board, [], School Board decides on new Superintendent but not everybody happy, Out of Haywood County Residents Subscription, LRK meetings this weekyou are urged to attend, Carl Perkins finds Yellow Brick Roadbig money raised, Governor suggests legislatures public safety session likely after Independence Day, Brownsville Press Weekend News Recap April 28, 2023. Haywood County Schools names new superintendent New to the Haywood County School System is the GEAR UP Tennessee program. Tennessee Superintendent Directory In Tennessee, 145 public school districts serve a diverse mix of schools, students, and communities. She also asked Mrs. Yvette Blue to report on the myON program. September 16, 2022 2. 1. Yvette Blue will serve as a substitute when needed. Those words are dehumanizing and have absolutely no place in our schools or in our district. GEAR UP is a partnership between Haywood County Schools, the Haywood County Board of Education, and the City of Brownsville to provide college access, readiness, and student-focused services to Haywood County students. Academic Calendars. Recruit, hire, and retain passionate and quality employees. To the district, context doesnt matter and shouldnt overshadow the fact that the slur was said to a student, Hart said. If youre not ready for the river, but want to be on the water, stop by ONeal Lake, just across the highway. In his career, he served nine years as superintendent of schools, both in Lake County and in Lauderdale County. The most important work in Haywood County Schools happens daily through our leaders, teachers, and support staff as they focus intently on our students and their individual needs. It is a great honor to serve as superintendent in HCS! All rights reserved. An apology does not undo the hurt and pain that racial slurs cause, the district statement said. Superintendent Hassell Joey remarked after being suspended by Mayor Livingston that Hassell had stolen money from the school district. . Only Joey Hassell was on everyones list Thursday night. Personal beliefs about education tend to crystallize once, There are moments in life when people, for one reason or another, find themselves returning to a familiar place. Joey also admitted in the letter that he had failed to follow school board policy and is cooperating with the school board and their investigation into the situation. Douglas said his friend is a black student on the Haywood High School baseball team, and claims the students in the group chat are also members of the baseball team. In partnership with the Superintendent, the Deputy Superintendent is responsible for leadership and management of District operations. Our industry is like many other small towns across the U.S. SHARED VISION STATEMENT: We want to create a college/vo-tech/trade school culture. Thats us too. Freshman Angelina Ferrer, who skipped her classes Monday to participate in the protest, said she believed the alleged punishment the white students received was not sufficient enough. The mission of the Haywood County Schools, in partnership with the home, school and community, is to ensure a positive, safe learning environment and to provide all students with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to be lifelong learners. "I don't know if anything will happen.". TSBA adapts this process to meet the specific needs of a school district depending on which services the Board chooses for us to perform. It will provide ways to develop and implement key educational reforms that will increase student academic achievement, academic rigor, high school graduation, and college enrollment rates. Students spend most of their time in school without access to four key resources: grade-level appropriate assignments, strong instruction, deep engagement, and teachers who hold high expectations. Dr. Putnam will begin serving as Superintendent on November 1, 2022 following the retirement of Dr. Bill Nolte. Public Notice - Haywood County, Tennessee A note was discovered in the girls restroom near the Haywood High School Little Theater Friday, January 27,, There are times in everyones life when they wish they could hit the pause button and simply live in that moment for just a little bit longer than, Public education is in the middle of a seismic shift. Haywood County Schools, Department of Nutrition is seeking bids for Cafeteria Equipment for Anderson Early Childhood Center,, Haywood High School boasts one of the most diverse curriculums in West Tennessee. be holding a Work Session on Our school system is on the move. TNTP partnered with five diverse school systems, rural and urban, district and charter, to listen to students views on their educational experiences and observe how those experiences played out, in real time, in their classrooms. Neither students nor staff should use racial slurs, but educators are adults and trained professionals, he said. Consulting Services Request Regarding: The latest rounds of community meetings hosted by LRKs planning experts have, The final numbers arent in yet, but the Exchange Club/Carl Perkins Journey to, Governor Bill Lee, in calling for a special session of the state legislature, . This has been cleared with Coach Tim Seymour, who is the Haywood Schools Athletic Director. The vision of the Haywood County School System is to prepare every child to meet the demands of a changing world by valuing education, holding high expectations and striving to be successful, contributing and productive citizens. Three years ago, TNTP* set out to answer that question. 900 E. Main Street The Haywood County Schools superintendent hiring process began on May 16 at a community meeting where attendees could ask questions and make comments. The organization partners with public education to help it achieve goals for students. We strive to constantly ensure that every adult and child in our community is safe, seen, respected, and valued. HAYWOOD COUNTY, N.C. (WLOS) In a statement released Monday night, Haywood County School announced the selection of its next superintendent. He comes to Brownsville from Ripley, Tennessee. 3. Education - Brownsville, Tennessee We are proudly the home of Blue Oval City. Your applications will be retained within the application system indefinitely and can be modified and/or re-submitted by you at any time. Let there be no confusion we are a small, rural community where the potential of such significant growth can feel overwhelming; but Haywood County is different in that we believe that the best of both worlds is possible by remaining loyal to our roots of humble beginnings, being faithful stewards of our rich soil, knowing our neighbors, and forever keeping our Tomcat Pride, while also welcoming new people and ideas that challenge us to become even better than we already are. On May 24, a 3:30 work session was held by the board to screen the qualified applicants, consider questions for the interview process, and consider the interview schedule.