We are in the process of ordering a 2040 rectangle inground flat bottom pool. Hi Donald, the Pentair Superflo 342001 would be a fine choice, the 011028 Intelliflo would be too big, unless you never ran it at full speed. A smaller pump horsepower translates to lower energy costs, because they use fewer amps. "@type": "ImageObject",
Any insight you can provide? Not under warranty anymore. Jacuzzi vs Hayward | Trouble Free Pool Lower end models, are in the $1000 range, like the Superpump or TriStar. Also, not sure which cartridges are the best. The next thing to consider relates to the number of possible custom programming settings you can create with different speeds and lengths of time. However, youll pay more in energy costs than with a smaller pump better suited to your pools size. We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Thanks! Also going to do 2/2.5 plumbing. Current set-up: 20,500 gallons I dont want to overdo it or under-power anything. Waterway also has a 2.7 HP Vs pump. Some more, some less. "datePublished": "2021-04-02", Learn more Shop Now Jacuzzi - JVS165S 1.65THP Variable Speed Pool Pump $1,299.99 Starting at $118 /mo with Affirm. Im hoping to run a single vs pump for everything. Remember, you must register the pump purchase with the manufacturer for the warranty to be in effect. We also have an older cartridge filter that we would like to replace with a sand filter. Be sure to use Sweep elbows too. I have a 36000 gallon pool (20 x 40). A noisy pump can be an annoyance when youre trying to relax by the pool. My pool is a 10,000 gallon volleyball pool with a 6 person spa.The piping is 2 with a DE filter. The sand filter is constantly breaking the clamp rings at the top and the pump costs a lot to run. The weighted energy factor (WEF) is a new designation for variable speed pool pumps that are Energy Star rated. This allows you to go with a higher speed when the pool experiences heavy use and needs more filtration or an efficient lower speed when it sees little activity. Also we are going to heat this pool. With 1.85 total horsepower and 115/230V dual voltage capability, the Jacuzzi JVS185S VS Pump delivers superior performance and savings for both new or existing pools. Thanks, good question! The Jacuzzi JVS165S Pro Grade Variable Speed Pump 1.65 THP provides the highest quality and exceptional performance to meet your swimming pool's needs. I have a 12x24ft oval pool 42 deep and am looking to replace the sand filter and pump. Its also compatible with automation systems like Hayward, Pentair, and Zodiac that allow it to operate independently. A large 110-cubic-inch strainer basket allows this pump to hold a significant amount of debris without compromising its pumping power. Plumbing is exactly the same one pipe in, one pipe out, attached with a thread sealant (such as Teflon tape). Hi Chris, I would go with the TR-60 filter, and the SuperFlo VS pump. Not all variable speed pumps are the same size, horsepower ranges from 1.5HP to 3.0HP, and smaller variable speed pumps have 1.5 plumbing, while larger models work best with 2 or 2.5 plumbing sizes. Im in the process of buying my pool from In The Swim and Im currently trying to design the plumbing system. Variable speed pumps also tend to last longer than traditional pumps, because they operate at lower speeds and have fewer mechanical stresses on the pumps components. So depending on your pool size and needs, you can pick the correct size perfect for you. I currently have a 20,000-ish pool 3 to 6. The best pool pump has the power to efficiently clean your pool several times in a 24-hour period without constant attention. What do you recommend as the best VS pump coming into 2020? Will Pentair SuperFlo 1.5HP be a good replacement? TriStar is also priced about 20% more than SuperFlo, so if you want to save $200, go with the SuperFlo. I have a PB telling me it is okay to run one VS pump for three sheers, (18, 24, 18) and two bubblers as well as all returns, while the other PB said it is okay but that I could just run a VS pump for returns and bubblers then a separate pump for waterfalls. However, the Hayward heater outperforms its rival in durability and weather resistance; If you're looking for a quiet product, choose Raypak. "@type": "Organization", Nice choice on the filter, so you have two pumps I like the idea of one, maybe you can look at the 1.65 hp VS pumps, I dont think you need the larger flow pumps, with such a small pool, you only need to filter 45 GPM, to keep a 21K pool clear. I have a 2hp single speed pump (century I think) with 2 2 pipes going into my filter. With a quality pump, you can spend less time taking care of your pool and more time enjoying it. You can find Standard efficiency for a bit less money. I am looking to up grade to a VSP. Pool Filter. Property had been sitting for about 2 years empty so chemistry probably took the 29 year-old Hayward CZ-200-P1 heater. There is also a sand filter. There is an elevation difference of about 8 to 10 feet and a 50 feet distance between my pool / pump, and the heating / filter system. "height": "219",
Learn more. For salt system, the Aqua Trol system by hayward is very good. "@type": "ImageObject", It is rated as one of the most efficient variable speed pool pumps in the market for in-ground swimming pools. I have two skimmers, a bottom drain, 8 returns in pool and another 8 in the spa. I have an Aqua Leader above ground pool. So you do not recommend getting like a 2.7 or 3HP pump to run the water descent features on? what size? "height": "500", The Intelliflo is a nice pump, but for the price, I would save the $500+ and go for the Superflo. Pool Equipment | Jacuzzi.com | Jacuzzi The higher-priced, more powerful pumps for larger pools may come with additional features, such as freeze protection or SVRS (safety vacuum release system), which shuts off the pump if a suction blockage is detected. Yes, the Superflo VS or the Superpump VS would be a good choice for your pool. Thank you. Pool Pump Reviews and Advice - MGK Pools Inc If air gets into a pool pump, it will lose suction, preventing it from being able to suck water into the pump. 1st year pool owner so a little lost. I would not place blame on the situational call and speak with a Hayward technical support, their advice will be better than mine, lol. Not sure thats much help starting at only two 1.5 inlets (1 for the two combined floor drains, 1 skimmer). Best 2 Speed Above Ground Pool Pump The pump needs air circulation to keep the motor from overheating, so never cover a pump or plant trees or shrubs near it. In ground pool, 17000 gallons, 2 plumbing. The waterfall pump would draw from a dual main drain placed near the floor or on the sidewall of the deep end, and pump to just the sheer descents. The following variable speed pumps earned their spot at the top thanks to their energy efficiency, circulation power, and ease of use. "name": "Leslie's Pool", },
Hard to choose, flip a coin, or go with the best price, or with your gut! ), which you should find on the filter label. I like the TropiCal T75 for a pool your size. Hayward also offers advanced automation systems to its buyers. The Jacuzzi JVS185S Variable Speed Pool Pump delivers quiet and elite energy-efficient performance for your pool and spa. }, Im thinking of the Pentair Intelliflo. Home / Pool Equipment / Pool Pumps / Best Variable Speed Pool Pumps. The current pool pump is 1 HP and the cartridge filter is a 95 sq ft cartridge filter. BEST OVERALL: Hayward DE6020 ProGrid D.E. I am greatly appreciated for your help. I also have a Triton 2 140c commercial grade sand filter. IntellifloIntelliflo will also work, but you will never need high speed, and the larger motor will draw more amps, costing more to operate. Does that mean I wont be able to use lower speeds? POOL PUMP Not Working? How To Fix 6 Common Pump Problems - YouTube PDF Super Pump VS Manual (SP2600VSP) - hayward-pool-assets.com Thanks any recommendations on flow / turn over rate for 28k gallons? Bids are coming back w/two different VS pumps. is it best to get a VS? Do you have a couple affordable suggestions? no additional water features. Pool Pump by Blue Torrent, 1 HP Maxiforce In Ground, Hayward W3SP2303VSP MaxFlo Variable-Speed Pool Pump, Pentair SuperFlo Variable Speed Pool Pump, 10 Ways to Dress Up a Drab Concrete Patio. Thnaks for your help. "mainEntityOfPage": "https://blog.intheswim.com/best-vs-pool-pumps/",
You could also use the VS900 Tristar VS pump. Costs of Running a Pool Pump - In The Swim Pool Blog It might be tempting to buy a 1.5-horsepower pump that goes well above and beyond what your pool requires. Being an 'Energy Star Certified', the product is expected to save up to 80 percent on energy costs while promoting a reduction in greenhouse emissions. Beyond the pool pump you choose, the following are other ways to make your pool more energy-efficient: Pool timers 2 Pool timers allow you to reduce filtration times. This pump also includes an ultraquiet motor, and since it will work with either 115- or 230-volt power, you neednt bother with rewiring for installation. One more question, will this pump be the only one i need for the pool, spa, spa jets, and a couple small sheer descent water features, along with a couple bubblers at the tanning ledge? Most variable speed pumps will accept either 115V or 230V, but some models only accept 230V. Hi Johny, the SuperFlo and the Superpump are both very similar, very Super, lol. Considering the major energy- and money-saving benefits that variable speed (VS) pumps offer, it's no wonder why so many pool owners are upgrading their single speed pumps in favor of efficiency. The Tri-Star is a bit more powerful, capable of 20% higher flow rates, but you likely dont need that given that your pool size is small, unless your waterfall is very large. Im having a 3019 pool built and was wondering whether to go with Hayward Ecostar or Pentair VS 3HP IntelliFlo? So overall HP is 2.2. No straight runs of less than 12 length, especially in/out of the pump and filter. For the salt system, I like the Hayward Aquarite system for 40K pools. Hello Davy, I have a tiny pool 3-5, 65 linear feet that Im in the process of completely renovating. If you have a system with a pump located more than 40 feet from the pool or at an elevation of more than a few feet lower than the pool, your pool will likely have greater heat resistance. Variable Speed Jacuzzi VS Hayward VS Pentair VS Above Ground Motors Parts Accessories While many people are concerned about the noise their heat pump makes, this model comes with an acoustic compressor cover and profiled fan blade. In this case, it makes sense to hire a professional to help you calculate what size pump your pool needs. Is 3hp overkill in terms of performance and price. You may need to prime the pump if its not full of water. "description": "Variable speed pool pumps are a hot item this year because of the energy and money savings they offer. 2 PVC pipe allows much more water to flow, with much less resistance. Hayward Super Pump VS 700 - SP2670010X15, SP2670007X10; Hayward Super Pump VS 700 Omni - HL2670020VSP; Hayward TriStar SP3200X Series Pump; Hayward Tristar Variable Speed Control Box . If its within 10 feet of the pool, it should also be a twist-lock-style plug to prevent it from being yanked out, exposing the outlet to potential splashes. Pool Pump Parts - INYOPools.com For the filter, I like the StarClear Plus C1200 120SF, $489, or the Jacuzzi JC150 150 SF for $399, and if you really want to go big, and have cartridges that need cleaning like once per year, and last twice as long, look at the Waterway Crystal Water 325 SF filter for $699. (to use an automotive analogy). Hi John, yes the IntelliFlo is over-sized and over-priced Youll do fine with a smaller pump like the Hayward Super pump VS or the Pentair SuperFlo VS, or the Waterway Power Defender 140 VS all found here: https://intheswim.com/c/variable-speed-pool-pumps/. Though this model doesnt have the Energy Star rating of Haywards dual-speed models, it still features the brands hydraulic technology that improves efficiency. Reviews Best Pool Heat Pumps in 2023 : Expert Buying Guide Feel free to leave us a message and we will be in touch as soon as an agent is available. The plumbing is simple with 2 skimmers, a main and 2 returns. Also, If I went with a Pentair VS pump, I believe they only come in 1.5hp or 3hp. Or too big for your filter? Jacuzzi JVS Variable Speed Pump Line-Up: Overview of All 3 Models "image": {
Many of the large VS pumps are simply too large for most pools, and are better suited for large pools with attached spas and water features, such as the Eco-Star and the IntelliFlo. Some pumps will accept both pipe sizes, some will only accept one, and some are sized for larger plumbing setups with 2.5 pipe. Not sure if that would be considerable, but if it is I would go with the Pentair Superflo VS, and couple it with the Waterway 425 sq ft filter, which is only $100 more than what you can buy the CC200 for, but is over twice the filter. Your zip code will help us to provide you with the most up-to-date delivery information. Great Price and HUGE probably go 6-9 months between cleanings. This is another top Hayward model that you can get on the market right now. Hi Sam, you can use the TriStar it is a cheaper version of the Ecostar, just has fewer speeds and a few less features, which you may not need. He currently has 2 pipe stubbed or from the return lines. Installation and warranty We have good and bad news for you about this model. Jacuzzi Pool Equipment. Pentair vs Jacuzzi Variable Speed Pool Pump My pool is about 18,000 gallons, has 8 pool returns and 4 spill over spa returns. Hi Fausto, for 60,000 gallons, you want be pushing around 125 GPM, to filter all of the water within an 8-hour period. 1 skimmer. Im in Florida and I have a 14,000 gallon pool with a spa and the old pump died.