Stonemasons and detectives, the - The Greenfield Recorder | Facebook This show is unbelievable to me because if they wanted the truth was to come out then the leading researchers in the field would be present making a scientific breakthrough, but this is what people running show biz wants. a major part of society will not question the truth and think this tv program is real sad but true!!! Your best years are still ahead :). Bill Vieira Net Worth Vieirais not an academic and as a result, isnt the most eloquent speakeron stage. var sellablestring4 = "GAZETTE FILE PHOTO"; August 2011 How about the fact there's nothing particularly anomalous about 6'6" (not the same thing as 6.6, which would be roughly 6'7.2") people? By analyzing the inscription on the mysterious Dare Stone against the 400-year-old historical record, and by lining up passages on the stone with clues left behind by Capt. postscript - the Nephilim were the oppressors of the Jews. var sellablestring = "GAZETTE STAFF"; jim and bill vieira twins used lectrosonics block 21 york news times for the record Navigation. North Wind Stonework What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? I was wondering if you could pass along a article from a historian friend of mine. Bill cites the British sculptor and artist Andy Goldsworthy as a major source of inspiration, and its easy to see why Goldsworthys tightly packed cairns and undulating stone walls, which can be found all over the world, capture something elegant and beautiful about the environments in which they appear, whether its the National Gallery of Art or a lone, rocky mountaintop. Alternative History Wonder why anyone hasn't correlated this information or publicly disseminated the history. Now, a mysterious stone inscription may lead to uncovering the truth. Alternative History if (photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring2) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring3) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring4) > -1) { Your search for giants is a search for tall people, and you can't even find the ones that are running around the world in full public view today- so why should we expect you to find anything of historical significance? April 2015 November 2018 On October 9, 1929, a German theologian named Gustav Adolf Deissmann was cataloguing items in the Topkapi Palace library in Istanbul when he happened across a curious parchment located among some As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. April 2017 var currentLocation = window.location; Expert stonemasons Jim and Bill Vieira team up with maverick archaeologist Fred Willard to investigate the mystery and find out what happened to the lost colony. var currentLocation = window.location; Beltane is an ancient Gaelic festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the renewal of life. He cites scientific status quo, religious conflicts, and political reasons as driving factors behind a conspiracy to keep this information hidden from the public. The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain is available at Amazon US: and Amazon UK: Share. Reading your "debunking" text above, this is what tells me. Im glad, though, that now I have enough information to better understand the strange case of the double row of teeth, which may now safely be excised from the diagnostic criteria of giants as some supernatural or nonhuman trait. There's more about me in theAbout Jasontab. var sellablestring = "GAZETTE STAFF"; Catalina Island very well could be part of Lemuria as is the Hawaian Islands. They just want to get a rise out if you, that's it. Bill in the 220-pound class and Jim at 198. April 2016 More often than not, though, a project begins with a sit-down meeting with a homeowner to talk through needs and goals. tag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; July 2019 Twins shortstop Kyle Farmer having surgery May 8 to remove wires in mouth Jim Vieira is a stonemason, explorer, historical detective and host of the History Channel shows -Search for the Lost Giants (2014) Roanoke: Search for the Lost Colony (2015) and Return to Roanoke: Search the Seven (2016). The Vieira Brothers Search for Giants Fulcrum7 The History show sees stonework experts Jim and Bill Vieira analyze the famous Dare Stone, with hopes it holds clues to the mystery behind the Roanoke Colony. Connect the dots right!~They refuse to say sasquatch exist because their bones end up being called giant bones and they all VANISH over at the Smithsonian Sasquatch Burial Ground because they DO NOT want people thinking they are the "missing link" and prefer they disappear as GIANT bones!~Meanwhile the Sasquatch don't exist BECAUSE they can't find their bones~because the Smithsonian STEALS them all! January 2019 With Matt Mangum, Daniel Williams-Lopez, Alexander Kane, Dango Nu Yen. We were able to find an article from the St Louis Post Dispatch with a picture of the skeleton as well as talk to people whos parents had seen the skeleton. I believe it could be possible; there are mentions in ancient texts and stories of giant humans going back as far as writing itself. Perhaps persons with familial giantism stuck together because they were either outcasts or constantly challenged by young warriors out to prove themselves: as such they might find living hard, and myths might be made about them in their own times. January 2012 June 2011 var photocredit = photocredit.toUpperCase(); Thank you so much for the kind words Justin. April 2019 Neolithic Stone Balls: The Northern Rosetta Stone? //var LBtag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkLB1home stonewalls 040116,ph5'); December 2012 if (photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring2) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring3) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring4) > -1) { But the work, while physically taxing, usually leaves them smiling. If the newspaper articles are a hoax, explain how the ones he showed were proven to be a hoax at some point in the past. Have you ever studied the Red Paint sites along the eastern seaboard? I am curious. This is akin to saying, everybody already knows thats not true and then ignoring any evidence to the contrary simply because it goes against popular opinion. I know that ignoring this troll isn't gonna stop him/ her but feeding them just makes it worse. May 2022 Otherwise stfu. Outside the Battlefield, What Was Daily Life Like for Medieval Knights? Warning: the language is sometimes salty, although the worst is bleeped out. February 2020 February 2011 var photocredit = photocredit.toUpperCase(); Or they might be sought as warriors because they were frighteningly large. There is a family condition, Marfans. October 2011 I dont think there were giants in North America, but the man does have a right to an open forum to express his opinion & research. He has found over 1,500 records of giants being excavated (a few of these records are found in part 4 of my series, the Genesis Giants). All rights reserved. July 2016 I totally agree with Rob of SoDak. 3-11,when the Israelites went into the land of Canaan, they encountered the Anakim, I will stop for now, Thanks. There's nothing, absolutely nothing in the whole entire world, more Racist than the idea of the Incarnate Son of God - it has controlled whole empires, emperors and led the most violent butcheries of men, women and children in the name of Crusades - ISLAMIC STATE is the closest thing to Medieval Papacy going. if (photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring2) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring3) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring4) > -1) { tag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; December 2013 October 2021 }, Jim and Bill Vieira of North Wind Stonework learned their craft through trial and error. For over 400 years, the disappearance of 117 colonists from Roanoke Island has been America's oldest mystery. A-fragging-HEM! Youre absolutely correct! I Spent $20 to Find Out that Jim Vieira and Hugh Newman Have Learned Im just glad that I got the opportunity to make mistakes at my place, so that Id learned how to do this by the time we took on clients.. If tomorrow archaeologists found a 15-foot tall humanoid skeleton someone in North America, I wouldnt be surprised one bit. Thank goodness. var photocredit = "'North Wind Stonework' 'The interlocking stones used by the Vieira brothers of North Wind Stonework in Ashfield show off the varied colors and patterns laid down in these layers of rock naturally over millions of years. Wow. March 2016 var currentheadline = document.getElementById("headline").innerText; Stacking stone: The artistry of the Vieira brothers of Ashfield August 2014 I fully understand why genuine Racists have embraced the Ancient Astronaut position, And other Fringe Subject matters. That spiritual crutch and flaw of homo sapiens? I still think its possible unlikely based on currently accepted theory, but possible nonetheless. The brothers projects range from walkways and patios to retaining walls, stairsand stacked-stone artworks that resemble spheres, eggs, conical towersand rough stone mounds commonly referred to as cairns. Sharif Jameel is a business owner, IT professional, runner, & musician. Dr. Little, could you tell us more about the sperm-collecting UFO demons, please? This is the Ancient Origins team, and here is our mission: To inspire open-minded learning about our past for the betterment of our future through the sharing of research, education, and knowledge. There are many photos online of such persons: I must assume these persons will be or have been buried. //var LBtag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkLB1home stonewalls 040116,ph1'); var sellablestring = "GAZETTE STAFF"; Yes, there are a few right wingers in existence, the operative word being "few" - and that does not include people like EvD who do not want to start the Fourth Reich In yet, that line was said by him when he was in a classroom with his students where he was a professor at a university. North Wind Stonework In fact, I did episode 2 with him on History. Sadly, there's enough of it to keep you busy for decades to come. Your email address will not be published. var currentheadline = document.getElementById("headline").innerText; Jim Vieira: A Giant Problem in Ancient America - YouTube In the letter sent to Jim Vieira by Stacy Kontrabecki (Curator, TEDxShelburneFalls), she explains her reasons for removing his talk from the TED YouTube channel. February 2017 Come waste some time with us! August 2019 Check out Jims upcoming appearances and amazing tours. Occult America Unearthed >>>without finding any hard evidence to prove anything weird var photocredit = "'' 'The brothers projects range from walkways and patios to retaining walls, stairsand stacked-stone artworks that resemble spheres, eggs, conical towersand rough stone mounds commonly referred to as cairns. "We have an incredible amount of stories from credible people," said Bill Vieira, 49. May 2020 We all might learn something! var sellablestring2 = "STAFF PHOTO"; var tag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkB1 Ashfield's Vieira bros. back on History Channel,ph1'); var photocredit = "'North Wind Stonework' 'The Vieira brothers consult often with Rawlings Excavation in Ashfield and work with architects, but most often they sit down first with a homeowner to talk through needs and goals. //var LBtag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkLB1home stonewalls 040116,ph9'); Galileo was forbid from advocating heliocentrism (round earth) He was tried, then found "vehemently suspect of heresy" was forced to recant, and spent the rest of his life under house arrest. Below is Season 1, Episode 1, in which tells how the brothers became interested in the hunt for giants, and shows them exploring a prehistoric stone passage grave in Goshen, Massachusetts. James 'Jim' Lewis, of Lima Ohio, was adopted in 1940 just three weeks after he was born. If this tv program wanted this to be successful it would have involved most of the smartest illuminated researchers on this subject and brought to light that in Ohio there is the only known nephilim road in existence that runs 50-60 miles long called the "Hopewell Road". I've dealt with people like this on various boards, and it took me a while to learn that ignoring them is the best thing to do. var sellablestring4 = "GAZETTE FILE PHOTO"; Visit the Smithsonian, because there in lies the real CULPRIT. The point to be made here is that if TED wentthrough Jim Vieiras talk and this was all they could come up with for reasons to pull and censor it, doesnt it kinda look like just maybe they were forced to do this and were grasping at straws to justify it to the public who undoubtedly was extremely interested in learning more about the topic? }. Ancient Astronauts has nothing to do with Racism in his case. Because I'm pretty sure he did at least once My father retired from Army Corp Engineers and they worked making highway system after IIWW along side private contractors. King Arthur The great interloper of ancient burial grounds, the nineteenth century Smithsonian Institution, created a one-way portal, through which uncounted bones have been spirited. Know or. Thats what Bill and his brother, Jim, founders of North Wind Stonework in Ashfield, have done for two decades. var tag_id = document.getElementById('buylink1home stonewalls 040116,ph9'); giants?" I feel like commenting on the Smithsonian was a big influence on this attack/retraction I feel like they were pushed by some people to shit him down but I think if they are worried about what and how people are going to present then they should do a rehearsal and help them clean it up and give suggestions and insights that help it to be conveyed successfully and without accusations or misinformation.