Since the formation of the Translation Services Department in 1989, there has been a significant increase in the number of languages in which the New World Translation has been made available. Chapter 8: Westcott and Hort Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1903) and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) have been highly controversial figures in biblical history. The storm of public indignation which followed almost wrecked the Revision at the outset. Most of our other colleges and universities in North America have, since the early 1980s, swung into the orbit. This is nothing but the old childrens story brought to reality The Kings New Clothes! Rome employed Jerome, to distort the true scriptures even more. Together, they produced The New Testament in the Original Greek, one of the earliest examples of modern textual criticism. The edition, in two columns, is very well cared for; it includes a critical apparatus and numerous intertextual references. [91], George D. Chryssides stated in 2019 that the unfavourable criticisms by Harold Henry Rowley, Julius R. Mantey and William Barclay "were extremely vague", but that Bruce M. Metzger "mentioned a few specific passages which he believed were wrongly translated. Rome is delighted that new versions base their work not on the original, authentic sources of the Bible they curse, the KJAV, but on the corrupt sources of the Alexandrian school, to which they subscribe. The beginnings of the revision of the King James Version occurred at Oxford University during that period, known as the Oxford Movement, which began in 1833. Ben gives a list of comparisons (only a few mentioned here as examples). "[62] However, the translators of the New World Translation believed that the name Jehovah was present in the original manuscripts of the New Testament when quoting from the Old Testament, but replaced with the other terms by later copyists. Westcott and Hort were responsible for the greatest feat in textual criticism. The rules though liberal are vague, and the interpretation of them will depend upon decided action at first. (Life, Vol.I, p.391). This committee is said to have comprised unnamed members of multinational background. In 1870 the idea of a modest revision of the A.V. "[56] However, according to professor Albert Pietersma, since pre-Christian times adonai and the Tetragrammaton were considered equivalent to the Greek term kyrios. Julius Robert Mantey, Depth Exploration in the New Testament, Vantage Press, 1980, R. Rhodes, The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions, The Essential Guide to Their History, Their Doctrine, and Our Response, Zondervan, 2001, p. 94. Westcott and Hort's Greek New Testament is the "source text" for many of today's modern Bible translations. In essence, then, modern versions are Romanist. Both believed that Heaven existed only in the mind of man. The Jesuits merely repeat the same hatred shown by popes and Rome. There are 18 other uncial (capital letters) manuscripts that have the passage in and at least 600 cursive (small letters) manuscripts that ALL contain these words. His Histoire Criticque du Vieux Testament (1678), arguing from the existence of duplicate accounts of the same incident and variations of style, denied that Moses was the author of the Pentateuch. Higher criticism consists of vicious speculative theories by liberals, in an attempt to undermine the authorship of Scripture. [132][129] In rebuttal, Thomas Howe strongly criticized BeDuhn's positive review of the New World Translation, stating that BeDuhn's main goal is to deny the deity of Christ. The two great obstacles which stood in the way of Catholicisms invading the mental defenses of English Protestantism were these: The Thirty-Nine Articles and the King James Version of the Bible. The way was prepared for dissecting all the books of the Bible and generally assigning late dates to their writings. Dr Edward Hills confirms this to be so: He (Hills) speaks in reference to the committee of the American Standard Version promising not to publish their translation at the same time as the English Revised Version. Robert Countess, The Jehovah's Witness' New Testament, A Critical Analysis of the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, Presbyterian & Reformed, 1982. He produced the Vulgate (used as a major source by W&H, and Tischendorf before them). [67] The Reference edition is out of print as of the release of the 2013 revision of the New World Translation. Clearly, Westcott and Hort were Occult practitioners during the time that they were revising the Greek Text of the New Testament. [26] The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures was released at a Jehovah's Witness convention at Yankee Stadium, New York, on August 2, 1950. Since its publication in 1881, Westcott and Hort's work has proved to be impressively accurate, though far from perfect. Immanuel Kant stressed the importance of reason and the rejection of everything else. Why Does Pope Francis have an Ancient Alien Symbol on His Robes?? WE should always be reluctant to engage in ad hominem arguments, i.e. 23rd Fenton John Anthony Hort born at Dublin. There are many points on which it is important that we should agreed. [18] The stated intention was to produce a fresh translation, free of archaisms. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. He points out, They promised not to publish their own revised edition of the Bible until 14 years after the publication of the English Revised Version (R.V. On one side, their supporters have heralded them as great men of God, having greatly advanced the search for the original Greek text. [32][33], In 1961, the Watch Tower Society began to translate the New World Translation into Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish; the New Testament in these languages was released simultaneously in July 1963 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1864 Sept. 23rd Hort: I believe Coleridge was quite right in saying that Christianity without a substantial Church is vanity and dissolution; and I remember shocking you and Lightfoot not so very long ago by expressing a belief that Protestantism is only parenthetical and temporary. For my own part, I would gladly admit to the ministry such as hold Gorhams view, much more such as hold the ordinary confused Evangelical notions (Life, Vol.I, p.148). ), and am most anxious to provide something to replace them. He characterized these as "an insult to the Word of God", citing various verses of Genesis as examples. [54] According to the Watch Tower Society, the Tetragrammaton appears in "the oldest fragments of the Greek Septuagint". [137], Thomas Nelson Winter considered the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures to be a "highly useful aid toward the mastery of koine (and classical) Greek," adding that the translation "is thoroughly up-to-date and consistently accurate. Pietersma stated, "The translators felt no more bound to retain the tetragram in written form than they felt compelled to render distinctively Hebrew el, elohim or shaddai. [141][142][143][125][144][145] These include: The New World Translation was banned in Russia in 2017,[148] after the prosecution used quotes from Wikipedia to argue that the translation is extremist and not a true Bible. "[121], Julius R. Mantey, co-author of A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament and A Hellenistic Greek Reader, said in 1980 that the NWT's rendering of John 1:1 is "a shocking mistranslation" and "Obsolete and incorrect". Both of these underpin all modern versions. He writes concerning the Sinaiticus.. From the facts, therefore, we deduce: first that the IMPURITY of the codex Sinaiticus, in every part of it, was fully recognized by those who were best acquainted with it, and that from the very beginning until the time when it was finally cast aside as worthless for the practical purpose. The work is excellent except when scientific knowledge comes into conflict with the accepted doctrines of the movement. Warfield is here saying something important for those who want to know the origin of the new versions. What the above shows, is that by simply joining the dots, we discover that all new versions are the devils own brand; they are founded on Roman Catholic documents that have always been rejected by genuine believers, and are carefully edited by Jesuits to agree with Roman dogma, via W&H and a host of other unbelievers. 1883 Burgon publishes The Revision Revised, including a reply to Ellicott. They set to work to switch manuscript sources for the Bible. (Baron von Tischendorf, quoted in John E Remsberg, The Christ, p. 272). On this, Canon Cook says, Yet this enormous omission rests on the sole authority of and B. (That is, on the Vatican Manuscript and the one found in 1859 in a Catholic monastery. The converts in 1830 amounted to only 16; in 1863 there were 162 (Ward, Life of Wiseman, Vol.2, p.459). [14] Although commentators have said a scholarly effort went into the translation, critics have described it as "biased". has almost succeeded. Look no further than the old Russian communist regime! "[116] He concludes: "The translation of the New Testament is evidence of the presence in the movement of scholars qualified to deal intelligently with the many problems of Biblical translation. Amen., (2) JESUIT VERSION OF 1582:And lead us not into temptation. "New Bible Translation Completed, Released". I have read this denial of being Christian over the years, in a variety of writings. FENTON JOHN ANTHONY HORT (1828-1892) A. Hulsean Professor of Divinity, then Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, Cambridge B. In 1851 Westcott was ordained an Anglican "priest" and Hort in 1856: their careers were spent mostly in academic positions rather than pastorates. Many more could be given. 13, All Scripture is Inspired of God and Beneficial 1990 p. 331, The Watchtower, September 15, 1950, p. 320, Walsh vs Honorable James Latham, Court of Session Scotland, 1954, cross examination of Frederick Franz pp. Former governing body member Raymond Franz listed Nathan H. Knorr, Fredrick W. Franz, Albert D. Schroeder, George D. Gangas, and Milton G. Henschel as members of the translation team, adding that only Frederick Franz had sufficient knowledge in biblical languages. The author gives many more examples of how the Jesuit bible is simply transferred to modern titles. Had I been alone I could have knelt there for hours. (Life, Vol.I, p.81). ], Constantine, the professed Christian, who secretly worshipped the sun god, ordered Eusebius (the bishop of Caesarea) to make 50 Bibles for him. Several chapters of the translation were read to the directors, who then voted to accept it as a gift. God will fill our mouths! Additional works consulted in preparing the New World Translation include the Armenian Version, Coptic Versions, the Latin Vulgate, Sistine and Clementine Revised Latin Texts, Textus Receptus, the Johann Jakob Griesbach's Greek text, the Emphatic Diaglott, and various papyri.[50]. [80], In 1992, a digital edition of the New World Translation of the Holy ScripturesWith References was released on floppy disk. 1857 Feb. 23rd Hort to Westcott: I hope to go on with the New Testament text more unremittingly (Life, Vol.I, p.355). Sept. 29th Westcott to Hort: As to our proposed recension of the New Testament text, our object would be, I suppose, to prepare a text for common and general useWith such an end in view, would it not be best to introduce only certain emendations into the received text, and to note in the margin such as seem likely or noticeable after Griesbachs manner?I feel most keenly the disgrace of circulating what I feel to be falsified copies of Holy Scripture (a reference to the A.V.? [The personal letters of Hort and Westcott sound like the letters of men of the Jesuit order (that is, if you know the Roman Catholic Jesuits. They were responsible for replacing the Universal Text of the Authorized Version with the Local Text of Egypt and the Roman Catholic Church. By this time, German higher criticism was beginning to invade England, and many Anglican clergymen were being attracted to it. Furuli added that Rowley's assessment based on his own preference for idiomatic translations ignores the NWT's stated objective of being as literal as possible. (Dr. G. Vance Smith, a Unitarian scholar, was a member of the Revision Committee. Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) was born at Birmingham and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) at Dublin. You well know with what folds it entwines us and with what fangs it gnaws us.(The Jesuits in History, Hector Macpherson, Ozark Book Publishers, 1997, Appendix 1). A list of vernacular equivalents is then composed. Further editing and translation is then performed to produce a final version.[44]. Newman declared that the principles of Roman Catholicism could be taught in the Church of England under the Thirty-Nine Articles. At some points it is actually dishonest. If he be condemned, what will become of me? (Life, Vol.I,p.94). cit., Vol. The Alexandrian school had no qualms about deception uttered for the greater good of a cause. The following quote is by Hort: Hort, Arthur Fenton, Life and Letters of Fenton John Hort, New York, 1896, Vol 1, p81. Jesuits were used by popes in an attempt to destroy the reformation, by inventing new Greek texts, which were not new at all, but reworkings of old heresies. It is almost laughable that many who use these corrupt modern versions also oppose Rome in their speech! Rome began its onslaught against scripture very early on in its heretical career, by ignoring the accepted canon of Gods word and replacing it with the Alexandrian text, which was shunned by true believers from the beginning because of its heresy: Rome received the corrupted Local Text of Alexandria, Egypt, and further revised it to suit her own needs. Members of the society taught the sons of leading families and served as spiritual advisors to kings.( Let us examine what Westcott and Hort actually believed. Textual Criticism (part of Higher Criticism) began in earnest with Romanist Richard Simon in the 1600s. Each paper said it was written against Popery and Dissent; yet, without exception, these little sheets explained why Britains needed to return to Rome. Later, the Jesuits believed a similar thing. FROM THEIR OWN MOUTHSA selection of statements revealing the attitudes of these two most noted textual critics of the 19 Century. The evidences cannot be ignored! Walter Martin, The Kingdom of the Cults Revised, Updated, and Expanded Anniversary Edition, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota 1997, p. 125. Ordinary believers dared not oppose them because of their biblical knowledge but opposing heresy is not just about knowledge of verses and words, it is about having the Lord within and expressing faith. "[104] In 1959, Thomson added that on the whole the version was quite a good one, even though it was padded with many English words which had no equivalent in the Greek or Hebrew. But lets give a explanation of who Westcott and Hort were, then go into Wescott's and Hort's Greek translation of the Bible and how Hort and Westcott persuaded scholars of the Revision Committee to switch to the corrupted Alexandrian text for the new version they were working on. A Milestone for Lovers of God's Word (Watchtower October 15, 1999 pp. 1851 Feb. 7th Hort: Westcott is just coming out with his Norrisian on The Elements of the Gospel Harmony. I have seen the first sheet on Inspiration, which is a wonderful step in advance of common orthodox heresy. (Life, Vol.I, p.181). Some key Biblical terms were revised. Newman, then, paved the way for the coming of Westcott & Hort and their abominable new versions, based as they were on the Alexandrian texts and other heretical sources. Helvidius, the devout scholar of northern Italy (400 A.D.), who had the pure manuscripts, accused Jerome of using corrupt manuscripts on this text. I do not doubt that many genuine believers have been caught by this mixture, because of their regard for Strong. Note how this statement was made at the same time that the Higher Critics were gaining ground in theology, and just before W&H began their own work of destruction of the word. The New World Translation uses the name Jehovah 6,979 times in the Old Testament. In addition to their many doctrinal heresies, strong evidence exists from the writings of both Westcott and Hort that they were involved in occult activities during the time they prepared their Greek New Testament. [87], In 1982, Pentecostal theologian Gordon Fee and Douglas K. Stuart in their How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth refer to the New World Translation without a critical examination or discussion as being an "extremely literal translation" filled with "heretical doctrines". [127] He added that "most of the differences are due to the greater accuracy of the NW as a literal, conservative translation". He had enough proof from these to show that Jerome used corrupt manuscripts the same as were used by W&H and all later new version authors! But deliver us from evil. No matter how great a Greek scholar a man may be, or no matter how great an authority on the textual evidence, his conclusions must always be open to suspicion if he does not accept the Bible as the very Word of God (in FULLER, p.157). (This they later circulated under pledge of secrecy within the company of N.T. Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901), and Fenton J A Hort (1828-1892) were two renowned Anglican scholars at Cambridge University. I, p.420). revisers, of which they were members). They knew that MSS in Greek, of the type from which the Bible adopted by Constantine had been taken, were awaiting them manuscripts, moreover, which involved the OT as well as the New. That is a distortion not a translation. Westcott and Horts Greek New Testament is the source text for many of todays modern Bible translations. . According to the publishers, better manuscript evidence had made it possible to determine with greater accuracy what the original writers intended, particularly in more obscure passages, allowing linguists to better understand certain aspects of the original languages. ", H.H. Those who are pastors or theologians should consider their position before God and repent, if they use new versions, knowing that they are Romes instruments of spiritual death. They are important: 1 Papal tradition is on a level with Scripture. "Stand Complete and With Firm ConvictionThe New World Translation Appreciated by Millions Worldwide". The American version simply follows the English Revised, which was the first in a long line of new versions. Now add to this poisonous brew a Jesuit, Cardinal Carlo Montini, who was on the editorial committee of the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament so widely used today, and the Nestle Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (27 revisions). June Mr. Daniel Macmillan suggests to Hort that he should take part in an interesting and comprehensive New Testament Scheme. Hort was to edit the text in conjunction with Mr. Westcott; the latter was to be responsible for a commentary, and Lightfoot was to contribute a N.T. The translators use the terms "Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures" and "Christian Greek Scriptures" rather than "Old Testament" and "New Testament", stating that the use of "testament" was based on a misunderstanding of 2 Corinthians 3:14. VI, p. 338 These corrupt manuscripts are represented in the Jesuit Version of 1582 and are followed by the Revised Version of 1901. ), I cannot help asking what I am? Generally speaking Wescott and Hort favored the Alexandrian text, which they called the "Neutral Text . It only reinforces the Catholic Catechism, which says this abominable thing: Question:What if the Holy Scriptures command one thing, and the Pope another contrary to it? It contains nearly all the New Testament, the Apocryphal Books plus two other false books, The Shepherd of Hermes and The Epistle of Barnabas. Every page contains corrections and revisions by at least ten different people. 1858 Oct. 21st Further I agree with them in condemning many leading specific doctrines of the popular theology as, to say the least, containing much superstition and immorality of a very pernmicious kindThe positive doctrines even of the Evangelicals seem to me perverted rather than untrueThere are, I fear, still more serious differences between us on the subject of authority, and especially the authority of the Bible (Life, Vol.I, p.400). May 29th Westcott to Hort: though I think that Convocation is not competent to initiate such a measure, yet I feel that as we three are together it would be wrong not to make the best of it as Lightfoot says. It is indicated that they provide a bridge between apostate Christianity and the occult and the New Age Movement. The Gothic version of Ulfilas, in the same way, held its own until the tongues in which it was written ceased to exist.(Forum, June 1887). "[46], The Pericope Adulterae (John 7:53 8:11) and the Short and Long Conclusions of Mark 16 (Mark 16:820)offset from the main text in earlier editionswere removed. BeDuhn said that the New World Translation was "not bias free",[127] adding that whilst the general public and various biblical scholars might assume that the differences in the New World Translation are the result of religious bias, he considered it to be "the most accurate of the translations compared",[130] and a "remarkably good translation". Satan knoweth that he hath but a short time. [But] I was now taught [at Oxford] that Gregory VII was a saint. Dean Burgon said: On many occasions 10, 20, 30, 40 words are dropped through very carelessness. Since then, new versions have been big business, raking in huge amounts of cash. "[113][114], In 1961 F. F. Bruce stated: "some of its distinctive renderings reflect the biblical interpretations which we have come to associate with Jehovah's Witnesses (e. g. 'the Word was a god" in John 1:1)". A. Hort (1828-1892), the towering pioneers of the textual criticism of the Greek New Testament. Letters and words, even whole sentences, are frequently written twice over, or begun and immediately cancelled; while that gross blunder, whereby a clause is omitted because it happens to end in the same words as the clause preceding, occurs no less than 115 times in the New Testament.. The name Jehovah is a translation of the Tetragrammaton (Hebrew: , transliterated as YHWH, though the original pronunciation is unknown). [When other early church fathers (bishops) were condemning Origen, Eusebius praised him in his book ecclesiastic history. I find it hard to understand why any Christian would want to side with such a man as him, or W&H! The impurity of the text exhibited by these codices [Sinaiticus and Vaticanus] is not a question of opinion but of fact. 1862 Apr. cit., Vol. While rector of the English College at Rome, he studied under Cardinal Angelo Mai (1782-1854), prefect of the Vatican library and celebrated editor of the Codex Vaticanus.(W.P. 19-20), Oh, the weakness of my faith compared with that of others! That is, if the manuscript is not a forgery, as seems highly probable! Double brackets were used to indicate text considered doubtful. It had the express desire to find a way to undermine the KJAV, because it alone stood between Rome and dissidents. The New World Translation attempts to indicate progressive rather than completed actions, such as "proceeded to rest" at Genesis 2:2 instead of "rested". [47] The new revision was also released as part of an app called JW Library. Where it contained no text the Sinaiticus was used. 1825 Jan. 12th Brooke Foss Westcott born at Birmingham. (See YouTube They were using the Jesuitic method adapted by Ignatius Loyola from an earlier baptized pagan, Clement of Alexandria (about A.D. 200). Amen., (3) AMERICAN REVISED VERSION OF 1901:And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.. The above information is enough to make any thinking Christian cringe at the audacity of W&H, Jesuits, and all who have insinuated their foul heresies into the churches. [19] Additionally, over the centuries since the King James Version was produced, more copies of earlier manuscripts of the original texts in the Hebrew and Greek languages have become available. The general public has been led to believe that Westcott and Hort were Christians, but were they really? In 184 to 254 he corrupted Bible manuscripts. The 2013 release indicates progressive verbs only where considered contextually important. That is, a genuine conspiracy amongst people who wish to press forward a particular agenda, with proofs of their actions finally revealed. atone, atonement or propitiation). In order to better understand what we are discussing, a brief overview of the Oxford Movement is in order: Despite all the persecution they [the Jesuits] have met with, they have not abandoned England, where there are a greater number of Jesuits than in Italy; there are Jesuits in all classes of society; in parliament, among the English clergy; among the Protestant laity, even in the higher stations. Whatever may be thought of it, it is a book that one is proud to be contemporary with. Like Rotherham, though, it is often not smooth reading. You will read their words for yourself in this article. THE WESTCOTT & HORT CONSPIRACY - THE TRUE STORY OF OUR MODERN BIBLE TRANSLATIONS RESOURCES Disclaimer Introduction Symphony of Truth In a Nutshell Topical Guide 5-144000 5 Commissions 10 Commandments 333 NCCG Number 144,000, The A Action Stations Agency, Free Alcohol Angels Anointing Apostles Apostolic Interviews Apostolic Epistles It became the official Bible for Roman Catholics. Westcott and Hort were hostile to the true Greek text of the King James Bible. ""Between-the-Lines" Translations of the Bible". Upon his return to England, on July 9, 1833, the Oxford Movement began. And God said: "Let there be light." Wilhelm DeWette (1780-1849) applied it to Deuteronomy. I recollect his procuring and studying the Book of Mormon about 1840.(Comment by Arthur Westcott, in Life and Letters of John Westcott, pp. Grady, Final Authority, p. 211). 1882 May Ellicott publishes pamphlet in reply to Burgon, defending the Westcott and Hort Greek text. During the Council of Trent, several Jesuits, notably Diego Lainez, served as theologians. Test. He gives himself up for the church.(Clement of Alexandria, quoted in Newmans Arians, p. 81). This means that W&H, influenced heavily by Tischendorf, who was himself led by a corrupt document (Vaticanus) and a bad forgery (Sinaiticus), and all three edited by a Jesuit cardinal, formed the basis for those modern versions you may now be harbouring in your hand, heart, house, church or Bible school! The two major editors of these manuscripts were Westcott and Hort. Then, we have this (the dots are getting closer together! [44][45], At the Watch Tower Society's annual meeting on October 5, 2013, a significantly revised translation was released. This higher-critical approach did much to destroy the historically held views concerning the authorship of the Biblical books. This was done with a 14 year training that left them totally submissive to the pope and devoted to the destruction of Protestants and truth. If not, why not? The New Testament in the Original Greek was published in 1881, as was the Revised Version based upon it: this latter failed to gain lasting popularity, but the Westcott-Hort text and theory has dominated the scene since. Only what we actually find, is that W&H were simply repeating the same textual nonsense as can be found in the earlier Jesuit Douay version! 17,18). The quote is from a letter to Westcott on 17th October, 1865), I have been persuaded for many years that Mary-worship and Jesus worship have very much in common in their causes and results.. Thus, the church (Rome) is the final authority, not Christ or Gods word. Westcott and Hort agree upon plan of a joint revision of the text of the Greek Testament. A large number of new versions are based on W&H. Reader of new versions, claiming to be believers this is the kind of man you follow, by allowing his words into your mind and heart! 1847 Jan., 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Westcott: After leaving the monastery we shaped our course to a little oratoryIt is very small, with one kneeling-place; and behind a screen was a Pieta the size of life (i.e. The timid purpose was slyly subverted by Westcott and Hort's fiery desire to overthrow the authority of the King James Bible. Dr. Scrivener was the one man that fought them tooth and nail all the way, but he was always outvoted. So, adherent to modern versions do you STILL persist in supporting the new versions, knowing they are rooted in Rome? We still do not wish it to be talked about, but are going to work at once, and hope we may perhaps have it out in little more than a year. (Life, Vol.I, p.264). I urge all readers to abandon EVERY modern version and to return to the KJV. May 5th Westcott to Hort: at present I find the presumption in favour of the absolute truth I reject the word infallibility of Holy Scripture overwhelming. (Life, Vol.I, p.207). In spite of his biblical scholarship and links to Jesuits, there is no evidence that he was in any way converted, or even interested in Rome itself. Priests were in prison for their plotting, and many had fled to the Continent. 1860 Apr. [1], According to the Watch Tower Society, the New World Translation attempts to convey the intended sense of original-language words according to the context.