To celebrate Poetry Month, this resource shares 3 activities that will help high school students to engage with poetry i A complete teaching kit for a full or partial unit on Romeo and Juliet The verbs you will see in the dialogue are: estar, tener, hacer, mirar, organizar, invitar, reventar, bailar, jugar, comer, salir, limpiar, poder and pasar. Alice: I bought some new clothes. I had to work last weekend because its the end of the year and we have to close up all our accounts. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. - I went to Enrique and Val's house. He needed help with something. Qu hiciste el verano pasado? We will not explain how to conjugate verbs in the past tense in Spanish in this lesson because that was covered in detail in a grammar lesson. Before we explore the Spanish preterite conjugation, we need to clarify exactly when and where you can use this past tense. On Saturday I woke up at 9 am, ate and got ready for training, after a hard workout I have lunch and clean the house, in the late afternoon I go for a walk with my friends, we walk in the city, sometimes we go to coffee or to a restaurant. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If the examiner asks you any past tense questions, they want to know if you can hear past tense questions, and use past tense verbs in your answer. What did you do last weekend ? Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Donec aliqa. The red line shows what the wind turbines could have been producing if they were operating at their full potential, which they failed to do at any where did you go last week in spanish during this time period. CO LE . M AT ER IA LD E Write brief paragraph and mention some other things that you did on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I can sleep as much as I want. Qu hiciste el fin de semana pasado? Lo que hice el fin de semana pasado El fin de semana pasado fue muy entretenido. Uploader Agreement. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company. El sbado por la maana, estuve en mi casa e hice los quehaceres. I visited my grandfather on Saturday afternoon. Have you tried it yet? Se pas volando mean It flew by2. And we spend around four hours there and went back to our home in the evening. Espaol: Anoche no pude dormir. - I went to the theater to see that new movie.Qu hiciste este fin de semana? I woke up late at 9 am because I knew waking up early is of no use. Thats why this weekend was so much interesting to me. Tengo una idea que te parece? means I have an idea what if we. - Fui a casa de Enrique y Val. Then we hired a cab to visit places where we spend out childhood. We both talked for hours about what new things happened in our lives in these 2.5 years. Just focus on fluency: answer as quickly as you can, without hesitation. Soy Gary. - I went to Venice with my boyfriend. My last weekend was so awesome and I am going to share my experience here. What did you do last weekend? Its time to listen to the first example. We had food at the nearby restaurant. The key question in this short conversation is "Qu hiciste el fin de semana (pasado)?" (what did you do last weekend? 1 minute, 2023, Berges Institute LLC, 260 Madison Avenue, 8th Fl. Audio script: How I spent my weekend in Spanish, Conversation script: Talking about last weekend in Spanish, Indoor and Outdoor Activities in Spanish Listening Practice, Drinks in Spanish: Vocabulary and Listening. Receive 20% off your DK purchase with promo code DKCLIP. Platicamos un rato y source fui a comprar ropa. Bailamos toda la noche y la pasamos muy bien. To talk about the activities that other people do on a daily basis, we will use reflexive pronouns that actually refer to other people, not only "ME", for example: "Ella se baa" (she takes a shower), "T te vistes" (You get dressed) and so on.. You can even say if a person has an interesting (interesante), simple (sencilla) or busy . We danced all night and had a good time. Choose the layout of your choice from the "Layout" menu. lngua inglesa . So last weekend I wake up at 9 a.m. After waking up, I did all my homework. In the afternoon, my dad drives us there. Luego, almorc con unos amigos en un restaurante cubano. I had two days off work last weekend, so I played soccer with my friends on both mornings. Account Disable 12. I took up shower had tea & breakfast dressed up and moved out of the house at 10 AM. Alice: I did a lot of things. Me gust mucho. Oct 25, 2022 Por la tarde, le un libro y por la noche fui al cine. The second example is a short dialogue about the things someone did last weekend in Spanish. I am going to share my experience with you all. Donec aliquet, Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, inia pulvinar tortfficitur laoreet. And in the evening, I cooked a meal of noodles and beef. I want each of you to tell me exactly what you did last weekend. Listen to a short conversation between two friends who are talking about their weekend in Spanish. I hope you will find this useful and these paragraphs can assist you in your studies. Disfruta y buena suerte! The verbs in infinitive in this example are: ser, hacer, estar, arreglar, limpiar, lavar, visitar, platicar, ir, bailar, pasar, dormir y leer. In the afternoon, I read a book and at night I went to the movies. But last week, electricity generation from wind turbines was low throughout entire 15 state power grid to which Minnesota belongs, the Midcontinent Independent Systems Operator MISOeven though electricity demand was very high. Unlimited live classes + Full access to video library. El viernes por la noche fui a cenar con mi novia en Long Island City. What Are They Doing? My sister was also happy about that. El domingo fui al parque, y despus del parque fui a comer a un restaurante en Astoria. The best way to answer is simply to say what you did last weekend. And finally, we went to the church in the afternoon. It includes a workbook, activity book, mini dictionary, parent's guide, CD, and flash cards. No fue tan entretenido mean It was not that fun3. Hasta la prxima leccin! On Sunday I slept until noon. My Weekend: Short Paragraph (100 Words) for Class 2, 3, 4 The weekend is always something interesting to me. Spanish learning for everyone. AV AL IA O. O. It's a good idea to read through the conversation before you begin, so you'll know which questions to . Robert: What did you buy? I have come there before and I love that place so much. I was totally screwed up & was fully prepared to spend a boring day ahead which I never wanted but unfortunately I didnt had any choice left with me. Also in March 2022, Ayesha Rascoe became the host of "Weekend Edition Sunday.". 20 24 DI VU LG A O. I was really happy about that. In the afternoon, I read a book and at night I went to the movies. And I wanted to see the lion and the tiger face to face. Ests tan bronceada! preterite. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. ET O. BJ. I hope you will find this useful and these paragraphs can assist you in your studies. And then usually I visit any of our relatives on Saturday and Sunday we entire family go to the church. To describe a completed action, process or series of events. Translation Currently unavailable. Whatever your class is, you can pick a good one from here. We bought some clothes and had lunch at a sushi restaurant in the mall. Use this Spanish language printable to review Spanish vocabulary for hobbies and give students practice talking about wh Search our growing library of professionally created teacher resources. Fast, easy, reliable language certification, 35,000+ worksheets, games, and lesson plans. On Saturday morning, my father announced that we are going to visit a zoo. Listen to someone talking about what he did last weekend in Spanish. Alex: Qu rpido que pas el fin de semana! Escribe 4-5 frases en espaol usando el pretrito para contestar una de las preguntas. When youve finished, listen to your answer and write it down. Get a notebook and pen. I was busy working on my business last weekend. Click la noche, mis where did you go last week in spanish y yo fuimos a una discoteca. It doesnt matter if you make simple or complex sentences. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. 9. Instead, we will present key questions and phrases that you can use to have a short, basic conversation about what you did last weekend in Spanish. ? ( wuht dihd yu du lahst wik - ehnd ) phrase 1. I enjoy that time a lot. Answer the questions and have a conversation. c. Select from the "Font" Menu "Akruti Mar_B " d. Start your application like MS Office Pagemaker etc. Instead, we will work on questions and phrases for having a short, basic conversation about what you did last weekend in Spanish. I had to do lots of homework last weekend. Privacy Policy 9. My weekends are so much interesting to me. Sometimes I go out and watch movie if I get to know that some good realizes has come. Y ya que tocamos el tema de las tcticas de presin, Vas a mirar tu diario de entrenamiento para, Translation of "What did you do last week?" Prohibited Content 3. votes. (general) a. Try to do this for all your IELTS Speaking questions. What did you do last weekend? Por la noche, mis amigos y yo fuimos a una discoteca. Once you listen to the recording, please solve the interactive quiz about it. Preterite Spanish Sentences. These can be quite simple sentences, such as: Yesterday morning, I woke up at about seven am and had a shower. Last weekend was very entertaining. She knows she can trust you, that's all that matters. El viernes por la noche fui a cenar con mi novia en Long Island City. On a piece of paper, write about ten simple past tense questions, like: Stick that piece of paper on your bedroom wall, or on your fridge, where its easy to see. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Here is a text to help you speak some English online - even if it's not with a real person. Students will review Spanish vocabulary for hobbies and rules for forming verbs in the past tense through a matching activity and a board game. See if you made any mistakes. I made my bed, cleaned my room and washed my dirty clothes. Show translation: What did you do last weekend in Spanish? I didnt have any free time to enjoy myself. For students from some countries, the past tense can be difficult to remember. Today, we asked Dan: Qu hiciste el fin de semana? - I went out with Jennifer.Qu hiciste el ltimo fin de semana? Here we are sharing three different formats for this paragraph. for style an. Te voy a contar un poco sobre mi fin de semana. You will have the chance to read and listen to many examples, and more importantly, practice with two listening activities and quizzes. Terms of Service 7. Show translation: What I did last weekend in Spanish Last weekend was very entertaining. I know I have no school on Saturday and I dont feel any pressure for that. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. We can go there by public transportation such as bus or if we want to go there without worry about the traffic we can go by private transportation.