"buttons" in the pad inside the circle of tiny print, in better than average condition with SR # G15709XX. after 1937). Thanks again! I dont have a receipt so I dont know what I paid but seem to recall about $400. All RifleShooter subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. The Complete History of Winchester Repeating Arms. None of the page scans are of original documents but are simply transcribed information typed into a word processing program. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Been told it is a 1982 manufacturecorrect? Mechanical parts and wood are available for these rifles produced by USRAC in New Haven, Ct.. Stocks are available, and some mechanical parts may interchange from the USRAC productions. Serial number G16617xx. Winchester Firearms Manufacturing Dates by Serial Number and Year 1866 through the early 1990s. For purposes of determining if your gun is legally considered an "antique" (pre-1899 DOM), the BATF has told us they use the DOM dates published by the manufacture (Winchester). In March 2006, U.S Repeating Arms Co. announced that its New haven, CT, plant was being shut down and that the Models 70 and 94 would no longer be made. You have the Featherweight The rifles owner periodically loaned the rifle to his nephew, Mark Worthington, and eventually gave it to him in 1977. However you can call Winchester Firearms directly to inquire about the date of production on your rifle. When the U.S.R.A.Co. Parts Diagram by Clicking Here. Model 53. took over production of the Model 70 when Winchester (Olin Industries) licensed the Winchester and Model 70 trademarks to the U.S. what's ya'lls thoughts. No attempt has been made to determine the value of any guns listed. And thank you for taking the time to look it. I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Any information before the 1990s is always difficult to verify. Any idea on what year it was built? If you would like to obtain factory research on your Winchester, we urge you to join WACA and the Cody Firearms Museum. when someone ran the serial earlier they said 2006. here it is again if anyone wants to cross reference it. Can anyone tell me the year? a. Bert H. said That pair of rifles is certainly of significant interest but they most certainly are not worth 1.75-million dollars! if this is not your gun, then move on to "b," and so forth through Model 1902 Model 1904. Further to my post of May 28, 2009 I stumbled over this thread again today and went back and looked in my loading book again. It is hard to pin these down exactly I've not found any reliable on-line data. I have two M70's, and when utilizing the above link, plugging in just the numerical digits indicate both rifles are Pre-64. and I highly doubt that. Production Type by Year of Manufacturer: 1935-1963: Pre '64 Winchester Repeating Arms Company 1964-2006: USRAC (U.S. I know you were being facetious, but I dont think your top offer should be more than $175K for the pair I wouldnt go that high No matter the hype, RIA couldnt get close to the asking price for those two, WACA 9519; StudyingPre-64 Model 70 Winchesters, FWIW Im currently housing S/N 5, which is somewhere between S/N 1 and 2 in condition. 1 Winchester Firearms Manufacturing Dates by Serial Number and year 1866 through the early 1990s The following pages were scanned from documents compiled over the years by the customer service department of Winchester Repeating Arms. But perhaps these pages can help you somewhat in your research. Mudstud it is G34XXXXX I did not want to post the whole serial number? Rifle functions great. Not enough coffee! Winchester Post 64 Model 70 Information . I've read '69 is when they started with the G but it's only something I read someplace. These came in 3 basic types, and the depending upon the barrel you could then change the basic designation to a more specific type (i.e. to the right, then go to RifleShooter Magazine editor Scott Rupp breaks down all the features of the Mossberg Patriot Predator rifle chambered in 6.5 PRC. Using the information above you should be able to determine when your Model 70 was produced. I beleive it is a late model yes. It appears that you are accessing the Winchester Website from outside North America. And as shown in Figure 1 a retaining pin for the ejector is visible from the outside. So, based on your Serial # you have gun #4 - ZP means 2018 - Model 73 - D variation, although I don't know how many variants there are. I hope it is not to late to tag on. Now come on, he said it was "rare". I suppose some mischief could be afoot, I hope thats not the case. The trigger guard and the floor plate hinge are a solid piece of metal. Would you like to visit Winchester International? THE HISTORY OF WINCHESTER HISTORIC SERIAL NUMBER RECORDS. You will find the sale page with further details if you click here. were very popular and some have gone through many hands. Year Serial Number Range. Before the 1990s the Winchester Repeating Arms firearms brand transferred ownership several times. Variations Then STFU. Thanks Steelhead. But I guess thats no stranger than the factory sending them out for over-the-counter sale at a remote gun store, rather than making a special presentation of them to John Olin or some famous shooter like Whelen, Keith, etc. Hook - the guy is correct. In general, this information is the same that you would get if you called our customer service department and asked them for the information. I just lost a long battle with an insurance company and quite frankly they dont fight fair. Model 21 shotguns are the exception to the above Winchester records information. This late historian George Madis compiled extensive histories on Winchester firearms. These two historic Winchester Model 70 rifles bearing serial numbers "1" and "2" are now being offered for sale by Sportsman's Legacy. Any help re year of manuf. This assembly also only requires 2 action or trigger guard and floor plate screws. Pretty happy to have found a nice 5 digit with very minimal damage. Please be aware, only serial number ranges with an approximate year are provided blow. The gun has an aluminum trigger guard and floor plate. Polishing roomrecords documented when each receiver was polished and are the most complete model 70 records in existence. I never really tried to find the manufacturer date or book price until recently while considering a trade with a friend. A few reasons cited are: There is probably some kernel of truth to all of them. First 4 is g514. caliber the bbl is not marked ! Thanks never thought about it. Winchester pre-64 Model 70 serial numbers 1 and 2 Bolt Action Rifles at GunBroker.com : 969539184, Geno said Be alert for such modifications, and remember that any modification from the His travels have taken him to Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan and a number of other countries. Your I have this old Model 70 might just be worth rather more than you expect. Hi. These pages were scanned from documents compiled over the years by the customer service department of Winchester Repeating Arms. Perhaps this is an early 7 digit model? Winchester Model 70 Serial Number Lookup Quinn Bonner October 27, 2022 13:19; Updated . I have a 7mm Rem Mag in Win. the Model 70 Winchester. Red pad, 24" barrel. For purposes of determining if your gun is legally considered an antique (pre-1899 DOM), the BATF has told us they use the DOM dates published by the manufacture (Winchester). If you need help determining names used for the parts of To the best of my knowledge, the U.S.R.A.Co. is chambered for either .338 Winchester Magnum or the .375 H&H Magnum. I recently acquired a New Haven built (around 1999-2001) 70 Safari Express and there is no serial number on the bolt. Serial number on the gun is between 206,626 and 581,471. Return to top Related articles. i hope this thread is still accurate and one of the historians here can give me a hand. I have a model 70 sel # 14737 can you tell me about this . In the Model 70 check carefully that the serial number on the bolt matches the Hello, I need some help for this number : G2225490. bragged they had a model 70 because that is what it said on the barrel & did it not have the hinged floorplate of the model 70. Submit a request. It has a strange Serial Number according to the others listed on this thread: G100XX. I have an early model 70 classic 270, Super Grade, serial # G18180, and a feather wt, 7mm-08, serial # G40001. The serial number is Between 50,000 and 700,000-- You have a post-war pre-64 model. Hmm, since ehunter has his answer, thought I'd try to piggyback on his thread. This Campfire article explains how to find your rifle's place in model 70 production history. His travels have taken him to Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan and a number of other countries. In the absence of factory records, it may seem logical to regard the date stamp under the chamber area of the barrel as a way to date a rifle (these stamps were present on the model 70 until 1956). If so it must be a replacement. he's asking 1225 for it without scope. Does the "G" represent/convert to a digit? Jon has done radio, television, magazine and newspaper interviews on various issues, and has traveled extensively, having lived in Britain, Australia, China and Hong Kong. 1890 1 - 113 91 114 - 8620 92 8621 - 16080 . I've got a Fwt CRF 7x57 folding leaf iron sight, and the original front sight hood, and a red butt pad marked USRAC, and 2 floral or medallion? As a result, the polishing room dates somewhat precede the date each rifle was completed and ready to leave the factory. The CONTROL ROUND PUSH FEED BOLT is a combination of the previous two types of bolts. No idea what theyre worth but I suspect the bidding would be a bit livelier if the decimal point on the minimum bid was moved two places to the left. I have not been able to get out and shoot it until this coming weekend. With Winchester in the mess they are in I'm not even sure there would be anyone there who could help. Please enable Javascript and refresh the page for a safe, secure, and complete shopping experience at Midwest Gun Works. The 2 piece trigger guard and floor plate assembly is two completely independant components(figure 6). Well, not all of us are "Anti-Miroku". 1890 1 - 113 91 114 -862092 8621 -1608093 16081 -1998894 19989 - 3101995 31020 - 3825496 38255 - 4470897 44709 - 5490598 54906 - 6452099 64521 - 788031900 78804 - 9917501 99176 - 12496802 124969 - 15325003 153251 - 18560504 185606 - 22261805 222619 - 25761406 257615 - 29512307 295124 - 33683308 336833 - 37068309 370684 - 40026110 400262 - 43040211 430403 - 45809912 458100 - 48543113 485432 - 51377314 513774 - 53785715 537858 - 55812916 558130 - 57733717 577338 - 59604518 596046 - 61028019 610281 - 63764420 637645 - 64477721 644778 - 64776022 648761 - 65728223 657283 - 66881624 668817 - 67869325 678694 - 68985526 689856 - 70113127 701132 - 71307028 713071 - 72543829 725439 - 73621030 736211 - 74310131 743102 - 74726532 747266 - 74796233 747963 - 74895134 748952 - 75006035 750061 - 75108836 751089 - 75195237 751953 - 75199538 751996 - 75200739 752008 - 75202540 752026 - 75204341 752044, 1905-06 1 -522797 52279 -891488 89149 - 1141409 114141 -16507110 165072 -22119311 221194 -27335912 273360 -32796013 326961 -38092814 381929 -42273915 422742 -45388816 453889 -48381417 483815 -51775318 517754 -53555119 535552 -59392920 593930 -59767821 597679 -59876422 598765 -60012623 600127 -60156824 601569 -61513125 615132 -62892126 628922 -64445427 644455 -65886328 658864 -67488729 674888 -69017530 690176 -69909031 699091 -70495332 704954 -70633033 706330 -70699434 706995 -70825835 708259 -708284, 1932 1 - 353333 3533 -600934 6010 -855635 8557 -1238136 12382 -2061837 20619 -3033438 30339 -3633039 36331 -4261540 42616 -4927641 49277 -5750042 57501 -5987943 59980 -5998144 59981 -6103445 61035 -6475646 64757 -6760047 67601 -8034248 80343 -10328049 103280 -22147350 121375 - 14607851 146079 - 16818652 168187 -18247253 182573 - 19879554 198795 -21049655 210496 -22432256 224323 -24804157 248042 -26949158 269492 -29447359 294473 -31764660 317657 -32502361 325024 -33329462 333295 -34397663 343976 -Unknown, 1932 1 - 764433 7644 -1069634 10697 -4409235 14093 -2392636 23927 -4276237 42763 -6606338 66064 -8021039 80211 -9654040 96541 -11640041 116401 -13738742 137388 -15837443 158375 -15864544 45 46 158646 -18375547 183757 -21908648 219086 -25229949 252299 -26247350 262473 -27264951 272649 -28282452 282824 -29300153 293001 -31050154 310501 -32800155 328001 - 34277756 342777 -35755257 357552 -38351458 383514 -40947559 409476 -410456, Year Serial Number Range1892 1 - 2370193 23702 - 3598794 35988 - 7350895 73509 - 10672196 106722 - 14493597 144936 - 15931298 159313 - 16543199 165432 - 1718201900 171821 - 18341101 183412 - 19178702 191788 - 20887103 208872 - 25393504 253936 - 27854605 278547 - 31542506 315426 - 37649607 376497 - 43791908 437920 - 47654009 476541 - 52216210 522163 - 58699611 586997 - 64248312 643484 - 69475213 694753 - 74267514 742676 - 77144415 771445 - 80462216 804623 - 83003117 830032 - 85381918 853820 - 87094219 870943 - 90365020 903650 - 90675421 906755 - 91047622 910477 - 91730023 917301 - 92632924 926330 - 93864125 938642 - 95499726 954998 - 97389627 973897 - 99088328 990884 - 99651729 996518 - 99923830 999239 - 99973031 999731 - 100072732 1000728 - 100132533 1001325 - 100186334 1001863 - 100245435 1002455 - 100295836 1002959 - 100341937 1003420 - 100403438 1004035 - 100425139 1004252 - 100438840 1004389 - 100458241 1004583, 1894 1 - 1475995 14760 - 4435996 44360 - 7646497 76465 - 11145398 111454 - 14768499 147685 -1833711900 183372 - 2044271 204428 - 2339752 233976 - 2738543 273855 - 2915064 291507 - 3113635 311364 - 3375576 337558 -3788787 378879 - 4309858 430986 - 4742419 474242 - 50583110 505832 -55306211 553063 - 59926312 599264 - 64611413 646115 - 70370114 703702 - 75606615 756067 - 78405216 784053 - 80774117 807742 - 82197218 821973 -83817519 838176 -87076220 870763 - 88062721 880628 - 90831822 908319 -91958323 919584 -93853924 938540 - 95319825 953199 - 97852326 978524 - 99760327 997604 -102757128 1027572 - 105446529 1054466 - 107709730 1077098 - 108175531 1081756 - 108415632 1084157 -108783633 1087837 - 108927134 1089272 -109119235 1091193 -109960836 1099609 - 111219437 1112195 - 113878138 1138782 - 116937039 1169371 -119721140 1197212 -123858441 1238585 -128746842 1287469 - Unknown43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1500001 -162610050 1626101 -172429551 1724296 - 181980052 1819801 -191000053 1910001 -199999954 2000000 -207110055 2071101 -214529656 2145297 -222500057 2225001 - 229029658 2290297 - 236588759 2365888 - 241055560 2410556 - 246982161 2469822 -250000062 2500001 - 255192163 2551922 - 258600064 2586001 - 279742865 2797429 -289442866 2894429 - 299192767 2991928 - 308845868 3088459 - 318569169 3185692 -328457070 3284571 - 338129871 3381299 - 355738572 3557386 -380649973 3806500 - 392936474 3929365 - 411142675 4111427 - 427792676 4277927 - 446355377 4463554 - 456592578 4565926 - 466221079 4662211 - 482659680 4826597, 1895 1 -28796 288 -571597 5716 -781498 7815 -1987199 19870 -264341900 26435 -298171 29818 -315842 31585 -366013 36602 -425144 42515 -478055 47806 -547836 54784 -550117 55012 -573518 57352 -600029 60003 -6095110 60952 -6377111 63772 -6501712 65018 -6733113 67332 -7082314 70824 -7208215 72083 -17423316 174234 -37741117 377412 -38910618 389107 -39273119 392732 -39725020 397251 -40046321 400464 -40407522 404076 -40719923 407200 -41028924 410290 -41327625 413277 -41740226 417403 -41953327 419534 -42158428 421585 -42267629 422677 -42368030 423681 -42418131 424182 -42513232 425133 -42582533 425826 -42592934 425930 -42610435 426105 -42634836 426349 -42671237 426713 -42672938 426730 -42674739 426748 -42675340 426754, 1924 1 -148825 1489 -435026 4351 -688227 6883 -918028 9181 -1113929 11140 -1287330 12874 -1379431 13795 -1441632 14417 -1462333 14624 -1472734 14728 -1487135 14872 -1497636 14977 -1504737 15048 -1507838 15079 -1509239 15093 -1509940 15100 -1510941 15110 -15118, 1924 1 -83625 837 -278426 2785 -495927 4960 -802428 8025 -1047129 10472 -1226330 12264 -1379931 13800 -1820532 18206 -1921233 19213 -1940334 19404 -1964335 19644 -2054936 20550 -20592, 1933 1087837 - 108927134 1089272 - 109119235 1091193 - 109960836 1099609 - 111219437 1112195 - 113878138 1138782 - 116937039 1169371 - 119721140 1197212 - 123858441 1238585 - 128746842 1287469 - Unknown43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1500001 -162610050 1626101 -172429551 1724296 -181980052 1819801 -191000053 1910001 -199999954 2000000 -207110055 2071101 -214529656 2145297 -222500057 2225001 -Unknown, 1935 1 -436 5 -781737 7818 -1298538 12986 -1468829 14689 -1615440 16155 -1826741 18268 -2081142 20812 -2196143 21962 -2105144 21052 - 2205145 22052 -2222446 22225 -2353447 23535 -2575848 25759 -2790049 27901 -2967550 29676 -3145051 31451 -3322552 33226 -3500053 35001 -3750054 37501 -4077055 40771 -4330556 43306 -4584357 45844 -4725358 47254 -Unknown, 1955 1 -1837856 18379 -3675657 36757 -5513458 55135 -7351259 73513 -9189060 91891 -11026861 110269 -12865162 128652 -13983863 139839 -14885864 148859 -16030765 160308 -16269966 162700 -19259567 192596 -21241668 212417 -23019969 230200 -Unknown70 H239900 -H25822971 H258230 -H26678472 H266785 -H27901473 H279015 -H28389974 H283900 -H28497075 H284971, 1925 1 -314026 3141 -805227 8053 -1417828 14179 -1959029 19591 -2910830 29109 -3250431 32505 -3673732 36738 -3855033 38551 -4078034 40781 -4347535 43476 -4713536 47136 -4993837 49939 -5002538 50026 -5007539 50076 -5010040 50101 -5012641 50127 -50161, 1919 1 -1820 19 -34021 341 - 73822 739 -108723 1088 -173724 1738 -270525 2706 -385826 3859 -672927 6730 -978328 9784 -1243029 12431 -1494330 14944 -1760331 17604 -2230532 22306 -2530333 25304 -2707834 27079 -2938435 29385 -3280336 32804 -3698837 36989 -4077638 40777 -4399039 43991 -4581940 45820 -4787941 47880 -5067842 50679 -5249143 52492 -5291544 52916 - 5297845 52979 -5307546 53076 -5608047 56081 -6015848 60159 -6426549 64266 -6814950 68150 -7076651 70767 -7338552 73386 -7600053 76001 -7952254 79523 -8071655 80717 -8183156 81832 -9686957 96870 -9786858 97869 -9859959 98600 -9889960 98900 -10220061 102201 -10698662 106987 -10871863 108719 -11358364 113584 -11844765 118448 -12099266 120993 -12353767 123538 -12372768 123728 -12391769 123918 -12410770 124108 -12429771 124298 -12448972 124490 - 12457473 124575 -12465974 124660 -12474475 124745 -12482876 124829 - 12501977 125020 -12521178 125210 -12541879 125419 -125522, 1935 1 - 1936 20 - 223837 2239 - 1157338 11574 - 1784439 17845 - 2399140 23992 - 3167541 31676 - 5075342 50754 - 5820643 58207 - 5898644 58987 - Unknown45 46 47 48 75676 -10168049 101681 -13158050 131581 -17315051 173151 -20662552 206626 - 23882053 238821 - 28273554 282736 - 32353055 323531 -36102556 361026 -39359557 393596 -42528358 425284 -44079259 440793 -46504060 465041 -50425761 504258 -54544662 545447 -56559263 565593 -58147064 581471 -74059965 740600 -80917766 809178 -83379567 833796 -86900068 869001 -92590869 925909 -4190070 G941901 - G95799571 G957996 - G101899172 G1018992 - G109925773 G1099258 -G112873174 G1128732 - G117500075 G1175001 - G121870076 G1218701 -G126600077 G1266001 - G135000078 G1350001 - G141000079 G1410001 - G144700080 G1447001 - G149070981 G1490710 - G153713382 G1537134 - G1586441, 1938 1 -119839 1199 -733740 7338 -1325641 13257 -2901442 29015 -3543943 35440 -3548446 35485 -3980447 39805 -4659248 46593 -5591349 55914 -6865250 68653 -7600851 76009 -7947952 79480 -8150853 81509 -8248154 82482 -8429555 84296 -8502756 85026 -8700657 87007 -8871458 88715 -Unknown, 03 3 -821404 8215 -1515905 15160 -2894106 28942 -3301407 33015 -3984508 39846 -4709909 47100 -5449110 54492 -6229411 62295 -6967512 69676 -7758313 77584 -8473014 84731 -8977515 89776 -9256316 92564 -9514917 95150 -9750318 97504 -10062019 100621 -10456920 104570 -10565521 105656 -10674122 106742 -10810323 108104 -10954524 109546 -11078225 110783 -11217026 112171 -11332627 113327 -11463328 114634 -11625429 116255 -11851230 118513 -12037531 120376 -12163332 121634 -12209333 122094 -12216734 122168 -12229435 122295 -12295536 122956 -122974, 1905 1 - 72256 7225 -183067 18307 -222138 22214 -234059 23406 -2430110 24302 -2544511 25446 -2652612 26527 -2762613 27627 -2858414 28585 -2913615 29137 -2958816 29589 -2993717 29938 -3032518 30326 -3061419 30615 -3131720 31318 - 3139021 31391 - 3144622 31447 -3145623 31457 - 31467, 1906 1 -2077 207 -94388 9439 -152689 15269 -2049010 20491 -2401411 24015 -2630812 26309 -2851013 28511 -3039414 30395 -3166015 31661 -3306016 33061 -3700417 37005 -3902518 39026 -3996319 39964 -4123920 41240 -4171121 41712 -4204822 42049 -4255423 42555 -4292424 42925 -4329625 43297 -4362826 43629 -4395727 43958 -4449628 44497 -4495629 44957 -4531830 45319 -4563031 45631 -4584632 45847 -4595833 45959 -4608234 46083 -4626735 46268 -4648136 46482 -4676137 46762 -4720038 47201 -4769139 47692 -4803140 48032 -4857041 48571 -4923242 49233 -4955143 49552, 1910 1 -476711 4767 -769612 7697 -971413 9715 -1149014 11491 -1231515 12316 -1323816 13239 -1379417 13795 -1426218 14263 -1463319 14634 -1567420 15675 -1634621 16347 -1662722 16628 -1703023 17031 - 1732124 17322 -1771525 17322 -1771526 17968 -1838327 18384 -1887028 18871 - 1915829 19159 -1958330 19584 -1975631 19757 -1986432 19865 -1992533 19926 - 1997534 19976 -2003335 20034 -2008436 20085 -20787, 1933 1 -266834 2668 -536235 5363 -983236 9833 -1678437 16785 -2553938 25440 -3093939 30940 -3606140 36062 -4146341 41464 -4771642 47717 -5126743 51268 -5164144 51632 -5165745 51657 -5385446 53854 -6160847 61608 -7171548 71715 -8052049 80520 -8889050 88890 -9726051 97260 -10563052 105630 -11400153 114001 -12050154 120501 -12700155 127001 -12810156 138001 -15000157 150001 -16234558 162345 -17469259 174692 -17522360 175223, 1939 130890 -Unknown40 130891 -16708641 167087 -11435042 114351 -12828943 128289 -Unknown44 Unknown -12829545 128296 -12887946 128879 -14516947 145169 -17352548 173525 -22378949 223789 -24990150 249901 -27601351 276013 -30212552 302125 -32823753 328237 -35434954 354349 -38046055 406574 -458799, 1961 1 -3219062 32190 -6076063 60760 -7886464 78864 -9201765 92017 -13538966 135389 -23524067 145240 -20949968 209499 -21005469 210054 -21100070 211000 -23091271 A229996 -A24300072 A243000 -A25800173 A258001 -A26283374 A262833 -A26317075 A263170 -Unknown, VINTAGE GUN SCOPES FORM AND FUNCTION GUARANTEE. 1101 Mason Circle Drive
Pevely, MO 63070
Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm CST, 2023 Midwest Gun Works, Inc. - All Rights Reserved, .270 Win, .30-06 Spfld, 7mm Rem Mag, .300 Win Mag, Inadvertent destruction (during office cleaning), Records misplaced between ownership transitions, New Production - Manufactured from 2008-Current. While the extractor is the most common way to identify this bolt style you can also look at the bolt face (figure 4) and see that it does not have a small extractor, and does not include an ejector. Use the figures below to determine which bolt you have. Short of calling Winchester, I have no other ideas. 1935 1 - 19 36 20 - 2238 37 2239 - 11573 38 11574 - 17844 . Winchester produced 3 different types of Trigger Guard / Floor Plate Assemblies. While both use the same action, the magnum will have a different contour barrel and require a wider channel in the stock. But also, if you have an old Pre-64 Model 70 sitting in your rifle cabinet you might just want to check its serial number to see if it might be a collectors item. 7 Top .17 HMR (Hornady Magnum Rimfire) Rifles, Strasser RS 14 Evolution Consul III Bolt-Action Rifle: Full Review. These groupsare "pre-war" and "post-war", with a small number of rifles between these two groups referred to as "transition" rifles. Their flagship rifle, mind you, not some budget priced .22. Production of the Winchester Model 70 started in 1935. Early Winchesters (1873 - 1906) . Enter the model of your gun in the box According to my shooting book it was first shot on Dec.20th, 1992. A final reference point which is important for you to know regarding your rifle is the production year. For any other questions: 800.333.3288 or 801.876.2711. Bert - WACA Historian guard and floor plate. A factory original and all correct Type I-1 rifle from 1936. No idea what theyre worth but I suspect the bidding would be a bit livelier if the decimal point on the minimum bid was moved two places to the left. Introduced in 1965 with the .444 Marlin cartridge, the Model 444 was the most powerful lever action of its day. Do you recall what year? (Serial Number Reference), Inadvertent destruction (during office cleaning), Records misplaced between ownership transitions. The serial number is LOWER than 50,000-- You have a pre-war model. That pair of rifles is certainly of significant interest but they most certainly are not worth 1.75-million dollars! Each of these bolt use different parts, so it is important to understand which bolt you have in your rifle. To determine which floor plate assembly you may have, or to see which assembly you may need use the figures below. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. The serial number is higher than 700,000 and may have a 'G' in front of the number-- You have a post-64 production Model 70 gun. now if i could only get these pictures to uploadim having a hell of a time trying to do as such. These groups are "pre-war" and "post-war", with a small number of rifles between these two groups referred to as "transition" rifles. M70 Featherweight push feed in 257 Rob. Here's another for your viewing pleasure, and a little less money. Use the Table and Figure below to determine your Winchester Model 70 action. I also have a Winchester Model 70 w/ a similar serial # G followed by 7 digits. AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE FOR "YEAR OF MANUFACTURE" IS AVAILABLE ON THE WINCHESTER ARMS COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION WEBSITE. plastic tip. Repeating Arms Company production rifle and it has absolutely nothing to do with Winchester record keeping. The list below is based on polishing room records, but adjusted based on other available information to provide a very close estimation of when any given rifle left the Winchester factory. g. My gun has a plain walnut checkered . The 1 piece trigger guard and floor plate assembly is exactly as it sounds. Need to look up Serial number for Winchester m 70, Re: Need to look up Serial number for Winchester m 70, C9D17605-C6ED-43D1-BAC3-5486860FEABC.jpeg, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. None of the page scans are of original . Picture Credits: All pictures courtesy Sportsmans Legacy. Date Your Model 70 and 94. Enter the model of your gun in the box G's started around '69 and the links everyone keep putting up don't work for lettered serial numbers. Kimber's Hunter Pro Desolve Blak takes the firm's more affordable mountain rifle to new heights. I have tied several websites and have never found anything. Winchester rifle. --- The M70 fwt was made in 257 and also 7X57 for a couple of years when it was reintroduced in the early 80's. I have one in the Bob. The round barrel is I have model 70 XTR Featherweight 7MM Mauser serial, number G1649XXX. George Madis, Ned Schwing, etc. No step on the bolt handle. You vented pad marked Winchester for later guns. Figure 5 - One Piece Trigger Guard/Floor Plate Assembly. That is probably as close as you're going to get. And edited my above for clarity, as how it read and what was meant didnt match. Based on this it was purchased just 2 or 3 days before since I always get them to the range ASAP. Spotshooter, Every Model 70 made since 1969 has a "G" prefix, production grade, Custom Shop, or whatever. I know I dont have to go into detail about Winchesters record keeping issues. A square, un-beveled magazine release button, Changed from square magazine release button to beveled, Added the safety retaining pin to the bolt sleeve, Changed from carbonia charcoal blued receiver to bead blasted black oxide bluing, Bolt release changed from notched to rounded, Right side of bolt sleeve changed to rounded. never released any serial number or date of manufacture lists for the Model 70 rifles that they manufactured from 1981 through March 2006. .243, .264, .270, .308, .30-06, or .358. It is a 5 digit serial. Probably nothing post-64. The pawnshop dealer made him a four figure offer on the spot for it. long action verse long action magnum). In .264 Winchester Magnum with a 24 barrel the rifle weighs 7lb 4oz. Please enter a serial number and click the submit button. Don. Calibers: .243 Winchester, .264 Winchester Magnum, .270 Winchester, 7mm Remington Magnum, .308 Winchester, .30-06, .300 Winchester Magnum. Pre-64 model 70s are commonly classified intoone of three production groupings, framed around WWII. DO NOT ship the firearm as this is a federal offense. Any help you may be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.