School districts | Related: Our full list of 2022 election endorsements. View all posts by Arthur Schaper, Well if you were at the convention this weekend youd truly known that $40,000 came in to buy votes which I feel that is ethically incorrect even though its supposedly OK then you had the chairwoman Jessica Patterson wanting to run for a third term which clearly breaks the bylaws so our GOP party has fallen apart they are just as worse as the Democrats its time to start a party Demrats And get rid of these professional politicians. Paid for by the Republican P arty of San Diego County FEC # C00252551 FPPC ID 741949 FEIN 95-1540609. 12/20/2022 - The California GOP data team added 2022 General Election Vote History from their voter file to the Election Results Dashboard, which is now complete with the certified vote totals from the Secretary of State. There is ONLY ONE Official Republican Voter Guide, vetted and compiled by local, duly elected Republican Party members - and THIS IS IT! $504,360 . Hey everyone! Unlike other GOP gubernatorial finalists in the last quarter century, Sen. Brian Dahle of Bieber has held elective offices, columnist George Skelton writes. . !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;rhyde park ma police activity, pegboard bins with lids,