It was an accident and you knew that if Liam wasnt under so much stress with this new album, this whole thing would have panned out differently. -. Harry Styles Imagines. This is my lucky suit, I have to wear this one, Y/N. Looking at him, you noticed that the coffee stain started halfway down his white shirt and onto his black slacks. I found him bending down as he tried to take off his shoes, but soon he straightened up - his back probably didn't want to let him. Ya think Im sexy? He smirked, digging his fingers into her sides. Thank you., Harry, you wrote the majority of it! you laughed, playfully shoving him, I just had, like, a verse and a half., You inspired what I wrote! He chuckled, glancing down at you, eyes softening, in more ways then one.. You couldnt help but smile back, nodding. I-I need to cool off. Liam threw his hands up in the air before walking up the stairs, the sound of your bedroom door slamming coming soon after. I am really sorry I said what I said, but your mom was so thrilled about the news anyway. He wanted the one he had, the one you ruined because you werent paying attention. You didnt expect it to happen the first day you moved in. As Louis reached for your arm, you took a step back, not giving him the satisfaction of kicking you out. I wouldnt cheat on you. You couldnt believe this was happening, you were about to lose the love of your life over something that didnt even happen. Im so sorry, oh my god! Harry just made her feel safe, she knew he could tell him anything and he would never judge her, he would always be there for her and never make her feel stupid for anyway shes feeling, always telling her to never apologize for her emotions. Amanda.28 years old. Harry let's out a loud huff, walking you up slightly. Of course! She called back, walking over to it as Harry sneaks out of the closet, watching her reach into the bag. The side of it was cracked, two of the string popping off. Anne and Gemma then begin to gush over your baby as you lean into Harrys chest, suddenly exhausted. He asked, stopping mid-movement and looking around with confused eyes. "y'all are too cute," Kath interrupted. Barcelona will be so lovely for you two. Your quickly help your heart beat accelerating slightly, looking up at him wide eyed as you struggled to find the words. Liam:We havent even been here a day and things are already going wrong.. She tried so hard to make it seem like she was okay, but I knew better. She slowly peels the covers off, remembering back when Harry and her were eating a pizza they ordered in his bed and he ended up dropping a slice and finding a stain remover in his bathroom that got it out after letting it sit and rubbing at it with a wet washcloth. Here take a bite, maybe that helps too so you dont have that dull feeling in your stomach., he brought one of the biscuits to my mouth.I took a little bite of the biscuit. He gives her a confused look, sitting up a bit and resting his weight on his arm, a hand rubbing though his hair with his free one, are you alright? I couldnt have done it without you. You look up at him, really meaning it. So please, stop beating yourself up.. Your grip on Harry tightened as you peered out the window at all of the fans and people that were out there. The sound of the guitar crashing to the ground played over and over again in your head. I am going to put them in the wash anyway so you can wear it to this meeting or later on. You glanced at Zayn who was buttoning up a crisp white shirt, a chuckling rumbling in his throat. Should I bring you something? There was just a lot riding on this meeting and you know Im superstitious with that bloody suit. A smug smile came across his face, bringing a smile to your own as you rolled your eyes at his comment. Come on, love! I promised and began spreading the substance evenly on Harry's back and then massaging it. What happened to your hand? He asked suddenly, moving to pick up your injured hand that had been resting in your lap. The nurse on your other side takes your other hand, letting you squeeze her hand as well as you give one final push. His plump pinky lips, his slightly rosy cheeks. I wrapped my arm around his lower back. It will be okay, Y/N. He gave you a reassuring kiss on the lips before the two of you got in the huddle of security guards, never letting go of each others hands. Im sorry for getting hotheaded and taking it out on you. The light giggle makes Harry perk up, turning around and seeing his love sitting up on his counter, scooping up the cookie dough he whipped up early with her finger, licking the substance off. Y/N, wait! he rushed, sticking his hand between the doors and stopping it, his tall frame standing before you that you quickly push past, going back to lock yourself in your apartment, and lock him out, Please, let me explai-, No! you stopped, voice firm as you turned to face him, you cant keep doing this! There are a lot of things in life that arent okay, but shit happens. Anything exciting?, Oh, you know just living the rock star life He winked, setting your suitcase on the bed before laying down on it, extending his arms and making grabby hands at you until you lay next to him, which you happily do, Ive been sleeping in, writing, recording and going to bed early., Hey! He playfully scolded, fingers digging into your sides, You menace! I am back. Im sure the studio tomorrow will be magic. Your hand left Harrys as you were pulled away from him, his half of guards surging ahead. Running to it, he slowly picked it up, examining the damage. Talk to me. He begged, I want to help, please tell me what I can do.. He looked back up at you, closing the notebook and handing it back to you. He couldnt look at you. Hii!! Most know what it means to be civil, but there truly is a fine line between sweet and sour.. #harry styles . By the time you were able to process what was happening, you were being taken from the safety of your bed and thrown against the wall, something that had happened to you so many times before. "Is it alright like that?" Im sorry about last night, Y/N. He spoke lightly as he took a bite of the sugary donut in his hands. I am fine, okay? Soon, he hands the open notebook back take you, swallowing the warm liquid as he tapped on the open page, a love poem on the page. The door to your bedroom opened, revealing a wide smiling Harry. The fans - they had been outside the hotel all day and all night. "awkward, but still cute." "heyyyy." "heyyyy." I-i had some wine and I accidentally spilled it. He leaned forward, his perfect, pink lips attaching to her neck and sponging soft kiss on the bare skin, arms right around her waist as he continued walking to his bedroom, Y/Ns heart starting to beat out of her chest. Ill be righ here, Im not goin anywhere, okay? You give a small nod as another contraction constricts your stomach. He pulls back with a smirk, eyes shutting with delight and his ego growing as he seeing the effect he still has on her and dipping his own finger into the bowl now, coating it before lifting up between them. Reaching for your bag and coat off of the floor of the car, you stepped out of the car and into the rain. Thank you for doing all of this for me. She whispered, sliding off the counter and heading to the table where they sat across from one another. His eyes were somber and a deep green, filled with remorse and hints of sadness. It will be okay, Y/N. She blushed, giggling to herself as he kept stealing glances at her throughout the drive back, Look at the road! She laughed, covering her face, I love you but right now is not the time to stare, youre gonna kill us.. He gripped her face in one hand, pressing their lips together and Y/N tried to focus on his lips, his warm skin. Im sorry for raising my voice at ya. Youre cute in any case. Oh really., a smirk appeared on his face.Mhhhm., I pecked his soft lips shortly and smiled at him. I'm sorry for falling off the face of the earth. His white shirt began to absorb the rain drops, the dark ink of his tattoos showing through the fabric. As someone who is normally such a pleasant and warm person, seeing Harry mad is one of the worst possible things imaginable. His eyes were dark from the lack of sleep, his hair unruly and pajama bottoms on his legs. Never could. He whispered, kissing her forehead, and absolutely could never even think about being with anybody else. I really a-. Y/N, I-Ive told you so many times to be careful when you are in here. Fucking hell. You mumbled under your breath as you continued to scrub the red liquid out of the white carpet. Ive just been high-strung these past few days and today was long so coming home and seeing that just gave me an excuse to release that frustration. Ive been seeing ya look at it online and when we went in the store last, then again today so I just had to get it for you my love. He explained, walking over and sitting next to her on his bed, Do you like it?. Can we talk, yeah? He asked quietly as you moved to the side so he could step inside the hotel room. He then checks how dilated and effaced you were. The pain was bad enough even with it. Now, Niall had a lot of guitars, but you knew that this was the one that meant the most to him. I just, I miss you. Your voice cracked and you sighed, wishing that you didnt sound so broken. Summary: After mourning the end of a two-and-a-half-year relationship, you're finally ready to get back out there. It really means a lot. She opened her mouth to speak but he shook his hand, giving her a loving smile as her hand a tug, leading them to the kitchen where she was met with a home cooked meal, nearly completed accompanied by two wine glasses filled with ros. A second later you hear it. They ate in a comfortable silence, the only sounds being words of praise and admiration coming from Y/N towards Harrys cooking, just making Harry blush and mutter a soft thank you, his heart swelling at the beautiful girl sat across from him who, even after all this time, still gets his heart pounding. She was telling herself, its Harry! You smile before looking back at her, kissing her smooth forehead gently. What did I do? You gasp, handing him his coffee as you plopped down next to him in the studio, taking a long sip as he shook his head at you. The secret was out and both of the Styles siblings were completely furious with me. I will be updating a new preference next, but I am going on holiday until after the new year and wont have much time to write! She sneaks back into the bedroom, seeing Harry still laying peacefully as she nearly cartoon like tiptoes thought the room, checking the bedside table on his side quietly before dashing over to the other, desperate to find the stain stick anywhere. Thank you for this request, I absoulty loved it so I hope you like what I came up with!! Can we just stay like this for the rest of the day, home can wait. He mumbled as he rolled over, capturing you in his arms. He gave her a small nudge, before leading her to a seat outside the changing room, due to the fact they got in trouble last time for having her come into the same one was him. Harry quickly grabs her hand, pulling her back to him, surprised to have run into his hard chest rather than falling back on the bed. you were beautiful. Is it better?, he asked with a still bit worried face. you cant keep showing up like this! Her eyes wandered around the shop, admiring the different materials and luxury items she could never even dream of purchasing. Im not mad about the stupid stain on the rug, all of that stuff is fixable. He gives you a small smile, gripping at your hand. Harry said lying down on the bed. You could barely feel your feet on the ground as you were pushed towards the SUV for the sake of your safety. What? She laughed, cheeks turning pink as she started buckling her seatbelt, Why are you staring at me?. Shape? He began, We can take it back-, Its too much! She interrupted, Its so expensive! Thank you so much for requesting . :D, Votes and comments are very much appreciated. Shortly after Harry's eyes started to droop with tiredness, probably due to the painkillers he'd taken earlier and his lack of sleep for the past few days. We cant even fucking walk to the car without getting mobbed, its not okay. He whispered to you quietly, his eyes flickering with guilt. The girl kept rambling on and Harry slowly peeled away the covers, seeing the reason behind her tears and he slowly slid out of bed, arms going around the incoherent girl, making her stop her word vomit and lean into him, now wiping her eyes and burying her face in his chest. I winced a little at the harsh pain.Shit, not that loud Y/N I thought to myself as I realised there was a sleeping Harry lying next to me.I carefully turned around and watched him sleeping. He pulls away as the nurse returns and hands you your now cleaned up baby girl. Stopping right in front of the bus stop, Harry cut the engine and stepped out of the car. Alright, you have another contraction coming very soon. The two exchanged a few words to each other before the door was closed and Harry immediately walked over to his suitcase to find something semi-clean to wear. Fuck yeah. He chuckled, smashing his lips quickly onto hers, gripping at her sides as his tongue slides into her mouth. You wanted to run after him, screaming. Your hands slide across his bare chest, sliding the sequin jacket off his shoulders with a smile as he begins pressing kisses along the sensitive skin of your neck, chuckling to himself as your eyes flutter closed. I wanna spoil you.. No way you would get to hold her before I do! He tells her. It helps you calm down a bit but a second later you were pushing again. As she scooted closer to him, she felt it, that dreaded familiar feeling and her eyes widen, heart stopping its beating a moment before pounding rapidly in her chest. Thats not the point. It doesnt happen often though. he said with his really raspy yet quiet morning voice.I looked in his beautifully green eyes, which seemed a bit more lighter than usual. Im really enjoying it right now. Okay sure babe. he smiled down at me.I shifted a bit until I was laying on my right, my body facing his side. These are all incredible! He looked so sad, so hurt and you honestly felt like throwing up. Unfortunately, much to Y/Ns surprise, this movie had a birth scene, making her breathing stutter as they showed the actress cry out as she laid on the hospital bed. She softly leaned in and quickly pecked his lips before burying her face in the crook of his neck, snuggling into him as his arms go tight around her. Let me get pictures of the little family first! Anne exclaims, pulling out her phone. He knew he wasnt helping with the situation, but the thought that someone had hurt you was driving him wild. I really hope you like how this turned out! I know what I did was upsetting, but I dont think I deserved being thrown out into the rain in the middle of the night. You mumbled softly, hoping he could hear youover the sound of the rain. I really am grateful, for everything, its just a little overwhelming., I know you are, you dont need to thank me angel. Its time. The nurses come on each side of you and lift your legs up higher as the doctor gets in place. It would never fully click. His bloodshot eyes gave away that he wasnt sober, his slurred speech representing the amount of drinks he had consumed over the night. I glided my hand around his chest, caressing the two birds tattoed on there. Pacing around the living room, you couldnt watch one more shitty reality show in hopes of it easing your mind. You shook your head, eyes closing with another yawn and your heart sinks as you feel the weight of the bed shift as he crawls out of bed, eyes fluttering back open and you give him a tired smile . Y/N bit her bottom lip hard, staring at the man as her eyes welled up with tears as her mind sped through the past few weeks, let alone her emotions having been a complete rollercoaster the past hour after being surprised by both Nick and Harry in the short time span. The security guard next to you guys saw your hand and immediately reached for the first aid kid in the backseat, pulling out sanitary wipes and a large bandage. See? You held up your bandaged hand, a smile on your face as you did your best to ease the mood. Dont forget to send in your requests! Harry nods, wide eyed, and releases your hand to do so. Thats not the point, Y/N. His eyes were pleading with you, gnawing on his bottom lip as his hands trembled, praying that you understood what he was saying. Hanging up the phone after speaking with Y/N, the last thing I wanted to do was be hauled off to do a string of interviews with the lads. You let out an airy laugh, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow before leaning back in the woven dining chair, warm Italian sun hitting your face as you looked out at the view and back to him, not even sure what to say. You had tripped slightly over the white rug causing the wine from your glass to spill all over the surface. Just go, please. His eyes finally rose to meet yours, causing you to go completely pale as you saw the hurt in his eyes. Come on darling, I got a surprise for ya. He whispered, kissing the top of her head and began leading her to the kitchen. I write for Harry and Bucky, so send me a request!! He smirked, staring at her as the girl happily dipped in the shake, eyes closing as she lets out a soft mmmm. I can see her, love! He yells. I only brought you here because I thought you would be nice to me!, Someones gotta keep your ego in check, You teased, tell the fans I say youre welcome for the arrogant son of a bitch lyric., Yeah yeah yeah, He chuckled, shifting his body weight and laying a bit closer, eyes looking deep into yours, faces a mere foot apart at most, speaking of, have you been writing much lately? Okay, fuck this I cant wait anymore. Harry grumbled, grabbing the bowl and throwing it back in the fridge before grabbing his love and throwing her over his shoulder, causing her to let out a loud laugh. We havent even talked about this. This one he began, is breathtaking. Is it about us?, You slowly nodded, looking down at your shaking hands, look, I understand if you dont feel the same but-. You got him for a whole year this time. that is literally the sweetest thing in the whole world. He softly gripped her face, pressing their lips together gently. Youre truly an angel from heaven. Lou thinks I cheated on him today and he threw me out. She peeked up at him after hearing his chuckle and after noticing where his eyes had landed she blushed, shuffling her feet and going over to the couch, sitting there and covering herself with a blanket. Zayn:Dont you think youve done enough?. Youre doing great, Y/N! He deserved to feel some of the pain you were going through. In the other hand he carried a heating pad.I heard warmth helped with period pains., he placed the tray on the bed carefully not to spill the steaming tea.He rushed around to my side of the bed, tugged the sheets away from my body and placed the heating pad softly on my lower stomach.Thebed moved slightly and he slipped under the covers on his side of the bed again.I hope this will help, babe., he said still worried. Shes perfect. Instead, you reached for the back of his head, fingers sinking deep into the silky soft strands of his hair. Sorry this took so long! And as for the birth process he slowly began, Im never gonna leave your side, gonna give you my hand to squeeze and break if you need. But! :). I didnt mean what I said, I am just cranky from being in the studio all day. You want to be alone, then go be alone and stop touching me" You choked on your words as you turned on the tap to start washing the dishes. There might be enough time. Y/N, you here babe? You could tell by the sound of his voice that he was exhausted and tired. I way overreacted about the party situation and at your house I dont know what happened to me, I feel so horrible., Stop. Harry corrected, shaking his head, Im the asshole here, not you. You would rather have him yell at you then be like this. You wanted to know where he was and you wanted to know how his meeting went. It was all you could think about after you sat down, a waitress coming quickly to your table and he gave you a look, asking you if thats what you wanted. You open your mouth to start to answer but stop when the waitress comes back, placing the cool, water glasses in front of you and they quickly become interesting as you watch the condensation drop down from the glass onto the table. "Yeah?" I only hoped his night would be tranquil. I thought I was the only guy ya ever needed!You are! You laughed, hand coming up and running along his face softlyjust wanna have my two boys! Something he hated even more, was all of the pains he went through. The doctor then finishes up what he needs to with you, helping you deliver your placenta and make sure everything had gone okay, things like that. xx, #newnewnew The warmth of his lips against yours settled your emotions for a minute as you tried to gather more words to say. His hair was growing long, much longer than it has ever been, and when it was wet, it easily reached to his shoulders. We will have to make a list for you. Harry hasnt said a word since you spoiled the news over an hour ago. You couldnt bare to even be in the same room as him at this point, the guilt being too much. Y/N, youre finally here! You heard Harry exclaim and you drop your bags as you seem him run towards you, literally sweeping you off your feet and spinning you around his rental home. Just fucking ruin everything weve worked for? His voice was hard and distant, breaking your heart in two. The flat was a mess, empty bottles of liquor sprawled around the kitchen - the boys never did know how to clean up after themselves. I called, putting the book I'd been reading down on the table, and made my way to Harry. I am a brand new imagines + preference blog so make sure to check it out, give me feedback and send it requests! You didnt know, it came as a shock to you. Y/N and Harry settled to bed at 11 pm after sharing a shower (where Harry insisted he massaged her shoulders) and Y/N applying her routinely night skin care. WARNING: May be triggering so read with caution. it was the one and only, Harry Styles. Not much time later, the two finished and began cleaning up, much to Harrys protest at first, telling her to go straight to his room and pick out a movie for the two of them but she insisted, playfully pouting as Harry quickly moved, not letting her really do much work. Im so sorry Ive been MIA for a while, Ive been really struggling mental health wise but Ive been trying to push through it so here we are! The boys had been working nonstop on their new album and with the move on top of that, Liam was feeling stressed and sleep deprived by the end of the day. "That would be Paul." Harry whispered as he untangled himself from you and jogged lazily to the door where the hefty man in the black vest stood. He took it everywhere and now, it might not even be able to get fixed. PAUL, DO YOU HAVE Y/N? You heard your boyfriend shout over everything, panic in his voice. He grabbed her hand closest to him, bringing it to his lips with a quick kiss before seating it down on the armrest between them, holding it there for the rest of the drive. We can try and get it repaired. I held my hands over my stomach and didnt find the time to answer since another wave of pain washed over me.Suddenly it hit him like a stone. Baby, whats wrong? Kath laughed at your both as you tried to defend yourselves. Be nice. She pouted as she felt anything but beautiful as she stood before wearing one of his hoodies and leggings, a messy bun and not a ounce of makeup on her face. It was another tour for the books. Confused, Harry instantly took her into his arms as he got the complete opposite reaction than what he was expecting. Running away, changing her name and never looking back in stead of having to deal with the embarrassment of-, Baby? Harry lovely graveled, eyes slowly opening and watching her rummage through the nightstand, a deep chuckle coming from his chest, what are you looking for?