Thank you for sharing!3. I stopped reading at your exclamatory sentence denouncing that thoughts can control matter. No better time to introduce these strategies than now. How Caroline Leafs your brain after a C3 Womans conference. She taught that you had to build a new healthy thought by the active reach for 63 days. That is how ideas are tested and knowledge grows. The current research presents a live, six-session training program that answers this call, teaching teachers how to increase their autonomy, awareness, and empowerment/life satisfaction while lowering their toxic thoughts, stress, and perceived barriers and challenges via mindfulness training and practice. I have read the articles in the links you provided. The plans of our sovereign Lord rarely align with our plans, and if we proceed as though they are we will end up off course. If you pray with faith quoting the scripture in first person because God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power of love and a sound mind immediately the anxiety goes away because anxiety is caused by fear the power of God, the Love of God and the sound mind of God given to us by Him can drive away fear and whatever else fear causes including anxiety, stress or depression which is coursed by fear NOT that anxiety is fear. Thanks for your comment Georgi. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. (2 Timothy 1:5-8). 1 Corinthians 2:5. All I can say is, good luck and all the best to you. Switch On Your Brain : The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health. One of Dr Leafs most fundamental assertions is that 75 to 98 percent of mental and physical illness comes from ones thought life [1]. Short of an official statement from the Elders of the church that is how we view mental illness and healing at the church. She is not even subtle about it, and I found her to be the most obvious false teacher Ive ever heard. Since the early 1980's she has researched the Mind-Brain connection and did some of the initial research back in the late 80's showing the neuroplasticity of the brain. Dr Leafs use of this scripture is misleading. How Can I Recognize and Understand the Holy Spirit Better? Switch On Your Brain Every Day: 365 Readings for Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health : Leaf, Caroline: Livres In the last days (I believe we are there now), we will see these things again, 1 Timothy 4:1-5. Go have a good hot cup of tea with Dr Leaf and bury the hatchet which you keep flaying around. The Bible does not, the psychiatrists who wrote the book say, tell Christians to ignore their pain, deny it, and repress it or paper it over with sunny thoughts. Like I said, I appreciate the instinct and tenacity. Currently, after these 30+ years of clinical and applied neuroscience research practice, Dr. If you disagree, thats fine. Pray: As I lay down my head, I know you help me rest deeply. Ive been trying to do some research about Dr. The Greek word for fear in this scripture refers to timidity, fearfulness, cowardice, not to anxiety or terror. Dr Leaf doesnt publish in peer-reviewed journals and so doesnt attract a lot of attention in the mainstream scientific community. Thanks, Julie Anne. Switch On Your Brain, LLC and the author specifically disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained in these materials. Likewise, its very natural for Christians to believe that Dr Leafs teaching must be ok because our pastors and leaders vouch for it. Dr. Leafs passion for improving mental health and learning led her to focus her early career in clinical and community settings to get her program to as many people as possible. The worst thing that can happen is that anyone be led astray. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist, audiologist, clinical and cognitive neuroscientist specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. By the tone of your submissions, it seems you dont care either way. Get on your knees. I hope youre out of your cloud of depression, or are almost there, and I wish you all the best for your journey of understanding into psychology. A friend gave me her book. They are rare but precious qualities that are to be prized and nurtured. Leaf. Luke 17:2 could so easily apply to Dr Leaf her work is so full of inaccuracies that shes the one who is more likely to cause a little one to stumble. Each scripture offered here has been turned into a declaration and a prayer. You are going to activate a miracle in your life. Now we are not Gods so as we think does not create but God does examine what we think and say and gives us according to actions and words look at the old testament, I personally see a psychologist with my wife and they have over 20 years experience in mental health and says we need get back to the Bible and the basics, good thought life, think of things that you are grateful, honourable loving etc and God says those who are cowards will be thrown into the lake of fire which is linked back to fear and God says that having anxious thoughts is not sin but being constantly worried about life is a sin and we need to align our mind back to God, Those who set there mind on God and follow Gods standards he does promise a mind set free of fear and anxiety as perfect love drives out all fear. The app had a large amount of cliches.. (Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group) Dr. Caroline Leaf, Switch on Your Brain Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2017. She teaches that thoughts cause stress, when again, the evidence is the opposite psychological stress starts as a subconscious process which changes our stream of thoughts. If you are considering withdrawing from any medication, please do so under the guidance of a professional as withdrawal can be a dangerous process. A culmination of her life's work, Dr, Caroline Leaf's Think, Learn, Succeed book combines current scientific research with biblical teaching to show how each person has the power to improve their creativity, intelligence, and emotional health. The Bible calls these toxic thinking patterns sin. In her books, on TV, at churches, and in promotional material, Dr Leaf describes herself as a cognitive neuroscientist. Read: 1 John 4:19, 1 John 3:1, Ephesians 2:10. See for the full list of references cited in the book. This revolutionary theory has contributed to how we understand the science of thought, explaining how thoughts form, how we process information, the power of the non-conscious mind and the relationship between the non-conscious and conscious. Dr. Leafs passion for improving mental health and learning led her to focus her early career in clinical and community settings to get her program to as many people as possible. And we all know how that story ended. 10 Verses to Help You Sleep. One source didnt even mention the figure she attributed to it. as well as Dr Caroline Leaf's clinical experience and research, you will learn how thoughts impact our spirit, soul, and body. NeuroImage 2002 Apr;15(4):983-91. Reggie McNeal Reiling Rev Dr Stephen Robinson Reverend Bill Crews Rev HN Bate Rhona Davies R H . Sometimes their theology is a little different than ours. Dr. But scripture is clear; its ok to ask questions, to look at both sides of a discussion, to critique and to be critiqued. A critique, on the other hand, is a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory. Critique is how ideas are tested and knowledge grows. This, in itself is delightful and, intriguing because, as you work out your gift and find out who you are, you will be developing your soul and spirit. (Emphasis added), This quote in and of itself isnt actually that significant until we compare it to a quote from the first chapter of Dr Leafs 2013 book, Switch on your brain. [1], The first argument proposes that thoughts come from your brain as though your brain is generating all aspects of your mental experience. We assume information to be true because others in authority tell us it is. Recently I have had many health challenges and and my mental health and behavior was challenged as well. So while Dr Leaf may claim that her research has changed the learning and lives of thousands of students all over the world, but her own published research disputes her claims. Of course, you did not say it. Its time we dressed ourselves in Gods glory, not our own ignorance and ignominy. I am glad to hear again your reinforcement on name it and claim it doctrine. It helped me a lot, but I think that it worked for me because of the active reach you did every day for 7 times. Here are my thoughts on the messages from Dr. Carolyn Leaf, which I have now listened to twice (all four presentations). There are so many examples of Dr Leaf being directly contradicted by the science that she claims expertise in that I dont have room in this blog to outline them all. Nonchalantly dismissing those who would stand up and preach lies and falsehoods by invoking Gods discernment is just spiritualising intellectual laziness. If Im honest, its something that I still struggle with at times depression is so often like a fog that rolls in and then clears, only to roll in again at different times. Rather, our natural instinct is to suppress our own judgement, even when its right, in favour of everyone elses. Over and over again, Dr Leafs teaching conflicts with modern science. Quantum Physics, no space time dimension. With regard to the speaker, none of this is nit picking. I admire those with the courage to not only ask questions but to strive for answers, and not just accept the superficial, but are willing to peel the layers back and look underneath. The hundreds of scientific articles that Ive quoted would counter your position, but you dont seem to be bothered by cognitive dissonance, so I doubt youll be adjusting your narrative. Home Uncategorized Chris Rosebrough exposes the gnostic Manichean heresy of "Dr" Caroline Leaf. Freedom of speech is an important principle and I want to allow it as much as possible, especially since Dr Leaf deletes all vaguely negative comments and blocks those who leave them. These results show the promise of the NeurocycleTM as a stress management and instructional efficacy support tool for educators that also provides a medium for measuring results and maintenance. And we need to always check what we hear, especially from the pulpit. What I heard troubled me, and I blogged about my concerns to open a dialogue on Dr Leaf and her teaching. ""Dr Leaf is a global Christian phenomenon, endorsed by some of Christianitys most famous leaders. Write letters to the leaders of your denomination. I thought go back to the detoxing work of Dr Leaf. Construct validity with blood measures also revealed significant relationships between the toxic stress and anxiety subscale and homocysteine levels and DHEA/cortisol ratios. [4] De Cock KM, Simone PM, Davison V, Slutsker L. The new global health. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology specializing in Neuropsychology. Science is finally catching up with the Bible, showing us the proof that "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Tim. So, sorry, I dont know of any. Jesus entered the world to destroy the works of the enemy. Ill make my own choices led by The Holy Spirit who guides us in all Truth. By all means, please do talk to your pastors, friends, and anyone that will listen about Dr Leaf. Drugs were not designed for mental illness but for anesthesia purposes. Mental health is not an illness than cannot be controlled, but a disorder that can be controlled. Scitsophrenia 50 years ago a person would have six episodes over two years and things just went away. Reply: I appreciate that youve considered all sides and are looking for the best in both. You will protect my mind and my thoughts as I drift off to sleep. She is one of the most renowned authors and speakers in the western Christian world. I have deleted all of her stuff on all devices. Switch On Your Brain and Switch On Your Brain with the 5-Step Learning Processare registered trademarks of Switch On Your Brain International, LLC. But Dr. Caroline Leaf says there's much more to you than a personality profile can capture. For more information on Dr. Leaf is nice. These toxic emotions can cause migraines, hypertension, strokes, cancer, skin problems, diabetes, infections, and allergies, just to name a few.. She spoke at her first TEDx conference in February, and shes about to host her own conference for the second time. Hebrew 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Pray: My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and I thank you Father, that spirit your spirit wells in me. thinking and health dr caroline leaf pages cm isbn 978 0 8010 1570 0 cloth switch on your brain 5 step learning process metacognitive map and the metacog are regis . See 1 Peter 4:13. I suppose it is in your book but I dont have it. for user demographics, treatment history, and program experience. Either way, Im satisfied that the evidence is all there to support my position. Hey, if you want to confuse cognitive biases, magical thinking and ignorance for the leading of the Holy Spirit then go for it. I would just like to comment on you wondering why church leaders do not call her out. Baker Books. I can tell you are frustrated with what happened at Lifegroups and have issue with what Dr. Caroline taught. I already have a call in to the Scott / Carver crisis center because nothing else is open. Leave the toxic issue at His feet. My body grows stronger daily. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 12:2 that we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Leaf's research started 38 years ago with her masters thesis and her PhD dissertation work. Study 1s findings suggested that these 20 questions forming the Leaf Mind Management (LMM) survey tool have both structural validity and consistent reliability across both samples. If Dr Leaf is preaching at your church, politely ask your pastor to produce his or her evidence that Dr Leafs teaching is scientifically and scripturally sound. Dr Leaf believes that our thinking can influence our DNA. Think about loving God. God moves in mysterious ways. Theyre welcome to agree or disagree, and theyre free to say what they want. For example, on the 12th of May 2014, she posted to her social media feeds, Your mind is all-powerful. A short summary to most of the questions youve raised can be found on the website here: Be alert! On the other hand, if a person isnt as versed in these subjects below Scripture or Neuroscience, it can be disastrous. To learn more about Dr. When considered in the historical and global context [2], most of human illness is related to preventable diseases that are so rare in the modern western world because of generations of high quality public health and medical care. Feel free to share your experiences in the comments section. One year subscription is only $29. These topics include: 2. . You can think whatever you like about me or my brand. Finally, a quick word on critique and criticism. I know people personally with mental illness, and scitsophrenia. Discover the transforming power that comes from being obedient to God's WORD in caring for others! There is no better time to introduce these strategies than now. They receive messages from other brain cells. Whats Wrong With Dr. Caroline Leafs Theology Dr. A number of people from different churches the world over have told me that following Dr Leafs sermons, the pastors have had to provide a type of disclaimer because of Dr Leafs extreme views regarding the management of mental illness. Luke 17:2 Dr. Caroline Leaf 3y A Conversation with Bishop T.D. No matter how I struggle or what issues I am working through, you are still perfecting me day by day. Leaf's books and materials are intended to serve as guidelines for managing toxic thoughts, emotions, and bodies and not as a replacement for professional medical advice. However, I would hope you would discuss it with Pastors _____ or _____, and I would like to hear from them. Imagine Jesus is beside you holding your hands. Its about time people use their mind constructively intead of being held back by tradition. Pray: I banish all self-doubt from my mind as I embrace hope and my mighty God. Whether it was co-incidence or something genuinely helpful from Dr Leafs book, I guess only God knows, but Im pleased that you had that ah ha! moment, irrespective of the source. For a month I tried to work the program which was quite different from the detoxing one. This is interesting: Doctor Philosophiae with specialization in Communication Pathology, For more information on Dr. And hey, its your opinion youre welcome to it. I can justify why I think Dr Leaf should not be preaching from our pulpits in this and many other blog posts, and in my 68,000 word rebuttal to Dr Leafs published works. People who hold this view are called materialists. The explanation is that this verse has nothing to do with our thought life at all. Each of the six factors represents a set of knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors related to self-regulation and control. Is that necessary or indeed emblematic of what academic critiquing is? She is one of the most renowned authors and speakers in the western Christian world. Dr. Pitt, I owe you an apology. But what are you offering instead? Yes. She must have her facts straight if she is preaching at some of the biggest churches on the planet, right? I just want to know where this is all coming from. [13] Leaf CM. Consider this, from Dr. Caroline Leafs book Who Switched Off My Brain: Research shows that around 87% of illnesses can be attributed to our thought life, and approximately 13% to diet, genetics and environment. Thank you for your fine Berean thinking and debate. I dont share it though. With this training and Neurocycle tool I will be able to help them in an effective, powerful, and sustainable way. Leaf's self-help products ( Its odd to me I have had many people recommend her works to me as I am very much into mindset, mental health, and following Gods word for wisdom. Im hoping Janet takes a look at it and is a Berean. Subjective, biased opinion. Also I am not implying mental illness is a sin but God does help people in this area through doctors , Jesus, loving others etc. Everythings fine when she simply quotes scripture, but problems arise when she tries to interpret it. Your attacks are unnecessary and unhelpful your brand name is being (or has been) seemingly damaged. She said by doing this disciplined thinking that the toxic thought would die and the new healthy thought would flourish in growth. Imagine you are kneeling at the feet of God. God is not trying to teach us through sickness. As Jesus suffered, so anyone who wants to follow Him will also suffer. Our church leaders need to come clean about why they publicly endorse Dr Leafs ministry. Since 1981, Dr. Caroline Leaf has researched the human brain with particular emphasis on unlocking its vast, untapped potential. I ALMOST referenced her in a paper I am writing for my English class. I was just wondering if you know of any other good reviews or critiques of Dr. Leafs works from people working in the field of either neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, or mental-health? She also misquotes her sources, significantly changing the meaning of the quotes in the process. Since the early 1980's she has studied and researched the Mind-Brain connection. Here is a link defining the dangers of this teaching: We need to actively put on the armor of God (Eph. However, a lack of standardization across the field and the association of a single frequency with multiple mental health conditions has necessitated more research into the measurement and meaning of each frequency at various levels (Newson & Thiagarajan, 2019). While they have beendelayed in publishing due to COVID, theyhave two of these publications under review with more on the way. Studies conclusively link more chronic diseases (also known as lifestyle diseases) to an epidemic of toxic emotions in our culture. Revelation is given only to those who truly follows Christ May God have mercy on whoever persecutes a true child of God. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012 Sep 4;109(36):14681-6. This scripture has nothing to do with our mental health. But beware of false prophets they profit from your lack of understanding. Dr. Caroline Leaf's birthstone is Opal; Dr. Caroline Leaf's birth flower is Calendula that symbolize winning grace, protection, comfort, healing & lovable; Dr. Caroline Leaf age in year is 59 years old; Dr. Caroline Leaf age in month is 714 months old; Dr. Caroline Leaf age in day is 21741 days old; Dr. Caroline Leaf age in hour is 521784 hours old Yes. However, her statement is completely wrong. What people do with that truth is up to them entirely, be it intelligent consideration or arrogant dismissal, or anything in between. Withoutcritique of scientific theories and findings, we would still be living in mud huts as hunter-gatherers. The theory proposes that everything you say and do is first a physical thought in the physical brain, a thought which you built with your mind. Thank you, but no apologies are necessary. There is very little out there in regard to this problem in terms of christian help. And having a competent midwife and obstetric support during childbirth can decrease the odds of dying in childbirth from 1 in 6 to less than 1 in 30,000 [6]. Connect with her or onFacebook.